Chapter 24

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I wake up in my bed. Last night when we all got home Brandon sent us all straight to our rooms. It was weird but he was really serious about it so we all just listened. I didn't get to see Easton or Maddox. I only got a glimpse of Milo, and I didn't see Sylas at all. I tossed and turned all through the night. It was hard enough for me to sleep with all of my nightmares, but the added stress was not helping. Mia had also decided to bunk with Mason last night because of everything and Lillie and Katie crashed on the couch. This all meant that I was alone, which I am not the biggest fan of.

There's a knock on my door so I peel myself out of bed to answer it. I open the door and Maddox is on the other side. I slowly reach my arms out and he gently picks me up. I rest my head on his shoulder and am finally able to relax for the first time since he left.

"How did you sleep?" he asks quietly.

"Not so good."

"I'm sorry baby," he says.

I don't respond. I just wrap my arms around him tighter and close my eyes. He hugs me back tighter as well. He starts walking downstairs but I just snuggle closer. I hated not seeing him during the day, so I planned to take advantage of him being here.

"I'm sorry we didn't have your dinner. We're going to have it here tonight. You'll still get to wear the dress you got. I want us to celebrate for you."

I nod into his neck. I crack my eyes open to see us headed for the kitchen. There's a mug of coffee on the counter. Easton isn't here which is odd, but i've learned not to question anything. He grabs the mug and heads for our back door. He opens it and steps out onto the deck. The sunrise paints the sky with pink and orange hues. Maddox just holds me as he sips his coffee and looks at the sky. I want to watch the sunrise with him but my eyes start to close as he sways back and forth. I'm pretty sure i fall asleep in a matter of minutes, and I am also pretty sure that was his entire goal.

When I wake up i'm on the couch with my head in Brandon's lap. I see Lillie on the other side but she's fast asleep. Katie is sprawled out on top of her and she was also fast asleep.

"Morning Gray," Brandon whispers.

I run my eyes and sit up. I peek over the couch to see Milo and Sylas at the table typing away at their computers. Emil and Mason are there as well but they don't have computers. Brandon pulls my water bottle out from seemingly nowhere and hands it to me.

"Maddox said that we have to decorate the house for dinner tonight so we better get to it," he says.

I nod and drink some water before hopping off the couch. I try not to wake the girls, but they should probably be waking up anyway. Brand heads upstairs and tells me to come with. He goes to wake up Adrian and tells me to get Mia. Apparently decorating requires everyone.

I knock on the door to the guest bedroom she was in. There was no answer but that wasn't too surprising. Mia isn't much of a morning person. I walk into the room and see Mia curled up on half of the large bed. I walk over and rip the sheets off. It was mean and I felt a little bad but there was no other way to wake her up. Mia made a sort of groaning noise before cracking her eyes open and glaring at me. I just smiled and patted her leg.

"Time to get up!"

"Says who?"

"Says Brand."

"Since when was Brandon in charge?"

"Since last night I think."

"We're totally screwed!"

"Hey have a little faith! Nothing has burned down yet," I say as I walk out of the room.

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