Chapter 4

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After a while I calm down and Maddox takes my hand and brings me to the kitchen. It's very big with pretty white cabinets and a big island in the middle. I see Easton and Sylas cooking a lot of food. I don't know what it all is but it smells really good.

"Dinner in twenty!" Easton yells.

They do a lot of yelling here.

Maddox goes to a drawer and gets lots of plates and silverware. He starts putting them down around the table that is right outside of the kitchen.

"Can I help? I know how! Dad made me do it all the time," I say.

He looks at me and shakes his head.

"No. I don't want you lifting a finger around here," he says.

I'm not sure why he won't let me. I've done it for my whole life. Instead he just pulls out the chair that is next to the head of the table and tells me to sit down. I sit and watch him set the rest of the table. He then sits next to me at the head.

I head footsteps and turn to see Milo and Brandon running down the stairs. I think Milo might be running away though.


Milo laughs really loud as he keeps running towards us.

"NO RUNNING!" Maddox yells in a really big voice.

I jump a little and then yell at myself. I think he sees me jump because he comes over to me.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. These two just don't listen to the rules so I have to be loud," he says quietly.

I nod and go back to watching the other two. Milo makes it to the table first and sits down.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? GET UP!" Brandon yells.

"Nope. And you know the rules. No roughhousing at the table," Milo answers him.

Milo looks very proud of himself. I giggle a little bit.

"What are you laughing about over there Gracie?" Brandon asks.

I stopped giggling. I didn't want him to think was being mean.

"I'm sorry," I say.

He just looks confused.

"Gracie you don't have to apologize. Brandon was just being an annoying little dickwad," Milo says.

He laughs and Brandon just sighs.

Maddox looks up, "Language Milo."

Brandon takes his chair which is across from me and to the left one. Milo sits on my side but there is an empty chair in between us.

Easton and Sylas come back with food in their hands. They set it down and take their seats. Sylas is next to me and Easton is across. Everyone starts taking, more like fighting, over the food. I sit and watch how crazy it is. Milo and Brandon seem to argue over everything while everyone else is much calmer. Sylas turns to me and sees my empty plate.

"Gracie, why aren't you eating?"

I'm not quite sure why he was asking. No one had told me to eat.

"Am I allowed? You didn't tell me too."

"Why would we tell you to?" Brandon asks from across the table.

"How would I know otherwise?"

Maddox takes my plate and fills it up with the homemade mac and cheese. He also puts some vegetables on my plate and some small potatoes. I've never eaten anything like this before.

"You can always eat here angel," Maddox says and he puts the plate in front of me.

I look at my plate. It was filled to the brim. I don't think I had ever been given this much food in my life. I take a bite of the mac and cheese. It's really really good. I start eating that.

The dinner table becomes fairly quiet as everyone is eating. Milo and Brandon seem to have calmed down a bit too.

My stomach can't hold anymore and I look at my plate. I had almost half of the mac and cheese and some of the potatoes. I almost finished the vegetables as well.

I lean over to Maddox, "I'm full."

He looks at my plate and nods.

"That's alright. I gave you a lot and you did good. We'll put the rest away and you can have it later okay?"

I didn't know what to say.

He didn't seem to be angry that I didn't finish it. Instead of testing this I sat there quietly waiting for them to finish. As they did I stood up and started collecting the dirty plates and silverware.

"Woah woah what are you doing? Easton can do that," Brandon says.

I look at all of them, "This isn't one of my jobs?"

Easton hits the back of Brandon's head before he comes over to me and takes the dishes. He smiles at me while he collects the rest of the dishes from the table.

"You don't have to do anything like that here," he says.

I just stand there uselessly.

Maddox excuses everyone from the table and holds his hand out to me. I take it and we start to go upstairs. He tells me to go to my room and that he'd meet me there in a second. I make my way to me room and into my bed. It was still a bit early but it had been a long day.

I hear a few knocks at the door and tell him to come in. He walks over to the side of my bed and holds out a teddy bear for me.

"This is Peanut. He used to be mine but I think you might need him more than I do," he says as I take the bear.

I smile. No one had ever given me something of theirs before.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Tomorrow I would like you to go shopping with Easton and Sylas. Is that okay?"

I nod. I'd never been shopping but I think I will like it.

Maddox brings my covers all the way up to my chin and ticks me in.

"Goodnight angel. Sleep well."

He kisses my head and leaves my room. He leaves the door cracked open which I am grateful for.

I snuggle with Peanut as I get excited for tomorrow.

I think I really like living here.

Happy reading!

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