Chapter 12

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"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said I'm the don of the American mafia."

"No I heard you the first time I just- it's hard to wrap my head around. Do you shoot people? Do you kill people? Are you a murderer? Are you going to kill me? Is everyone else mafia too? Is-"

"Grace breath. I'll answer all your questions so you can slow down now. Yes I shoot people. Yes I kill people. You could call me a murderer. We only hurt bad people. We don't go after the innocents. Or kids. Of course I'm not going to kill you, I don't know why you would even think that. Everyone else is mafia too. Easton is my second in command, so he's got a lot of say in things around here. Ang is the don of the Italian mafia and they're our strongest allies," he explains.

I think I just stare at him with wide eyes. Knowing my brothers kill people for a living is kind of big news for me.

"And if dad says he's coming for you, then he's coming. That's why you aren't staying at home anymore. A few days ago Sylas found microphones and cameras all over the house."

That sounded like dad. I nod as I try to keep up.

"I know someone bailed him out of jail, but I'm not exactly sure who. We've called our allies from Spain and Switzerland. Their main goals are finding dad and keeping you safe."

"Okay, sure sure. This is all totally normal and not concerning at all," I say.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but believe me, it was for your safety."

He leads me down a bunch more hallways until we make it back to the office. Which is of course, guarded by men with guns. They let us in and everyone else seems to be either thinking or sleeping. Angelo is passed out in Easton's arms and it's probably the first time he's slept in four days. Luci and Brandon are both out like lights too. Milo and Sylas seem to be typing away at computers which is pretty normal for them. Easton seems to be keeping Angelo asleep and doing paperwork at the same time.

Sylas and Milo both look up.

"Spain should be here in about three hours," Milo says.

"Switzerland in five hours give or take. They had problems taking off in the snow," Sylas adds.

Maddox nods before going to sit down next to Easton and helping him work. I stand there uselessly for a few seconds before approaching the desk.

"Uh, East?"

He looks up. He's clearly exhausted but somehow he's still awake.

"I'm sorry about the way I was acting earlier," I say.

"It's okay sweetheart. I know you just wanted to know what was happening."

"Yeah but I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I just- it was- I can't-"

Tears of frustration and probably tiredness fill my eyes.

Don't cry. Your fine.

I'm not fine. My dad is coming after me. My brothers run a mafia. They kill people. Nothing about this is fine. I rub my face and pretend I'm not crying at all. It doesn't seem to fool them.

I think I look pretty pathetic. Easton opens his arm, the one that isn't holding Angelo, to me. I quickly sit down next to him and hug him as best as I can.

"I love you Grace and nothing is going to change that. Nothing you say will change that. We're all on edge so you acting the way you did really makes sense. It's okay sweetheart, it's okay," he reassures.

I snuggle into him and decide to try and sleep as well.


"Wake up Gracie."

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