Chapter 23

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Hi guys! I'm putting the note at the beginning this time because I wanted to thank you all for 20k!!! That is insane and I'm so glad people are enjoying my story:) This chapter is a little longer to make up for the small hiatus. This chapter was giving me some trouble so the rest should be smooth sailing now.
Happy reading!

Waking up to a house with eleven other people is completely different than waking up to a house with five other people. For one, there's someone else in my bed. For two, there are people on my floor. And for three, the boys seem to really like waking us up in horrible ways. This morning we woke up to a blow horn, courtesy of Emil and Milo.

"Emiliano if you aren't out of my sight in the next five seconds, you're done," Mia threatened.

His face paled at the threat and they both ran down the hall. Mia sighs and flops back onto the bed. I think she falls back asleep completely. I slowly slide out of my bed and tiptoe around Katie and Lillie who are also sleeping. I make it out of my room and head downstairs. Maddox is typing away at his computer as usual. Easton and Adrian are in the kitchen as well. They probably needed a head start because of all the extra people. I head into the kitchen and East kisses my head before handing me a glass of juice and kicking me out. I smile anyway.

Mason is sitting on the couch with a cup of really light looking coffee. I sit down next to him to enjoy the rest of the semi-peaceful morning. Emil and Milo seemed to have calmed down because I couldn't hear them anymore.

Mason smiles at me and I smile back.



"Are you okay?" he asks.

I look at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"Grace, you were kidnapped for months. That changes a person."

I look down. Sometimes I forget they're our allies. They obviously knew about the entire situation.

"I'm okay."

He looks like he doesn't believe me, but he doesn't push which I appreciate.

"Okay well, i'm here if you ever need to talk."

I nod. When we finish our drinks I grab the remote and turn on the Princess and the Frog.

"Oh! I love this movie!"

I get excited that someone else likes this movie as well. He starts to sing along with the movie, so I start to sing along with him. Halfway through the song Maddox came out to see what all the commotion was about. Once he saw what was going on he went back, probably to type on his computer some more.

"We should open a restaurant together!"

"Neither of us can cook Gracie."

"That's okay! East will teach us. It'll be perfect!"

"Okay let's do it! Whatever you want gorgeous."

We high five, and a very grumpy looking Mia makes her way down the stairs. She's wrapped up in a blanket and clearly did not want to be awake. Mason went over to say good morning and give her a hug.

"Do you want to watch with us?" I ask.

She nods her head from inside her blanket burrito. She lays herself across both of our laps. Mason just smiles and pats her leg. I go back to enjoying my morning movie.

As it goes on, more people came downstairs to join our little watch party. Milo and Emil seemed to have calmed down since they violently woke me up earlier. They were sharing the couch with us three, and Katie and Lillie were on the ground in front of us. Everyone seemed completely immersed in the movie. Lillie and Milo seemed to be in a heated argument over whether Naveen or Flynn Rider was the better man. Everyone else was giving their opinions before going back to watching. I wasn't really sure who's team I was on honestly. Mason was a clear Flynn Rider fan. Emil also seemed to agree with Mason.

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