Chapter 25

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My eyes water as I wrap my arms around Mason tighter. I didn't want them to leave, but they couldn't stay here forever. Mia, Mason, Adrian, and Emil all had to go back home. They'd already been here for a week. Last night was an extra day.

I let go of him to hug Emil who promised to text me every day. I laugh and move on to hug Adrian who hugs me so tight that my back cracks. I smile as he puts me down and move on to Mia.

My best friend.

She smiles as she gives me the biggest hug. I hug her back and if it were up to me I would never let go. It wasn't up to me though. I had to let go so she could go back to Switzerland.

Milo, Sylas, and I watch as our friends pull out of our driveway and head to the airport. A frown tugs on my lips but I manage not to cry for once.

I hated crying.

Milo and Sylas head back into the house but I sit on the steps for a little bit longer.

A few minutes later Milo comes back out and hands me a glass of lemonade.

"You okay?"

I take a sip of my lemonade and nod, "Yeah, I'll just miss them. That's all."

It was true. Now I understood why my brothers were so excited when I first met Angelo and Luci. Being far away from friends was awful.

Milo wrapped an arm around me and I leaned into him. I guess he would know about missing friends too. I think Him and Adrian and Mason had been friends for a while, even if they are a little younger than him.

"Adrian and Mason are just like other little brothers. Our families have always been allies so, it's just like having more siblings," he explains.

I stare at him. How the heck do they always know what I'm thinking. It's getting scary. I'd have to figure that out.

I brush it off and continue to sip my lemonade. It was really nice outside so I figured I might as well take advantage of the weather.

Milo and I continue to make mindless conversation until my stomach rumbles loudly. I feel my face heat up as Milo lets out a short laugh.

"Alright c'mon, let's get you fed," he says as he stands up.

I follow him into the house and to the kitchen. He throws open our fridge dramatically and scans the rows.

"This is all stuff to make something!"

I stare at him. That's usually what goes in a fridge.

"Don't look at me like that Gracie. We're looking for premade food. Easy food, y'know?"

I shrug because I don't exactly know what he's talking about and he lets out a loud sigh. I was going to suggest we just ask Easton to make something but I remembered that he hasn't been here for days. I didn't know what was up with that so I just keep my mouth shut as Milo closes the fridge.

"Go get some shoes. We're going to Wendy's."

I head up to my room and grab some shoes before stumbling around to get them on and almost tripping down the stairs. It was pretty impressive if you ask me.

"That was fast," Milo says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes it was. Let's go!"

He didn't need to know about my clumsiness.

He smiles and heads to the garage. We head to his car and he practically stuffs me in it before hopping in himself and driving away. I guess he really wanted some food.

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