Chapter 23

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So today Nevaeh and Caroline are going to play over at Anthony house. I really don't trust him so ima be over them with them. Darius and Travis are going to a basketball game tonight, so they are already leaving out this morning so they can get there and just shop around and stuff.

The boys are already gone and me and my baby are getting dressed. And I had washed our hair. I just left it at our natural texture which is crazy curly. I packed her bag with the toys she wants and we headed downstairs. Put some snacks in her bag and grabbed my purse with keys and phone, then walked out the door.

"Ma Ma" she said playing with her Dora doll

"Yes baby" I said turning right onto the next street

"love you" she said smiling

"Awww I love you 2" I said smiling

She can be so sweet at times but when she don't get enough sleep or anything she is mean and cranky. Just like her damn daddy.

I pulled up to Anthony house and looked at Nevaeh. She was already coming out her seat belt. I just laughed and grabbed our stuff with my keys. We walked up to the door and I rang the door bell.

"Ma I pee pee" she said

"You got to pee" I asked

She nodded her head yes then the door opened. Anthony was standing there with his shirt off. He okay, but he ain't got nothing on my baby.

"Hey where's the bathroom she has to go" I asked

"Down the hall 2nd door on your right" he said

We walked in and I took her to the bathroom. After she finished up her business she washed her hands and she ran out and saw June.

They ran outside to the back yard over to the swing set. I sat outside with them and watched as Anthony came out with some TEA. Omg he know I loveeee me some tea. He sat it down on the table and sat next to me.

"Thank you for letting nevaeh come over" he said sitting the baby monitor down on the table

"No problem"

"So I guess Darius said yes huh" he asked

"Apparently if we're here" I said

"Angel why are you so mean to me" he asked

"I'm not being mean to you. I'm acting myself" I said

"No you're not, the angel I know wouldn't have to listen to no man orders or ask him to do anything like he yo damn daddy" he said

"And you think what you did didn't make it any better and trust me I'm still the same person you met at the mall, all I did was get older and wiser" I looked at him "let's talk about Tamia then since you want to talk about Darius"

"Don't bring up Tamia" he remarked

"Then don't bring up Darius, no one was talking about him but you" I said

I sat there and watched the kids play on the slide. I felt my phone vibrate and it was my baby.

Him: hey baby, how's everything going

Me: it's going good, how's your day with Travis

Him: good, he eating some fries right now

Me: oh lordy lol, okay have a good time

Him: okay, I love you

Me: I love you 2

I smiled as I finished texting him, I felt eyes burning into my skin. I looked up and saw it was Anthony. I sat my phone down and looked at him.

"Why are you staring at me" I asked

"Because you're beautiful" he said

I just shook my head as the baby starting crying from the baby monitor. Few minutes later he came back with baby Caroline. Now she is really beautiful, that's who he should be telling that to.

"Can I hold her" I asked

"Yea" he handed her to me

I held her in my arms as she went back to sleep. Awww I miss Travis and Nevaeh being this small. She held my finger as I hummed a little song.

"Baby where is the kids and who's car is that in my spot" Tamia said coming outside

"hey baby, it's angels car she was bringing her daughter over to play with June" he said

"Oh, why is she holding Caroline" she asked

" I mean is it a problem that I'm here? I am her doctor so as many times I held her before it shouldn't be a problem now" I said

"You don't have to get an attitude now" she said

"Who said I had an attitude? Know what here Anthony me and Nevaeh are about to leave" I handed Caroline back and she started crying

"Come on nevaeh let's go" I yelled out

I grabbed our bags and she ran over to me and we walked out.


I watched as Nevaeh and Angel left out to their car. I just looked at Tamia and walked upstairs to calm Caroline down. Tamia can be so damn childish sometimes I swear. I saw June run up to me and tug on my leg.

"Veah?" She asked me where nevaeh went

"She had to go home" I said

She had the saddest look on her face, so I told her that me and her can go out to the movies to see HOME and get dinner. Her face lit up so quick and she started to smile.

The things I do to keep her happy. Some days she can act just like her mama but I get on her ass about that shit. I don't play that mess.

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