Chapter 5

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Well today is the day that baby Travis gets to come home. Since I didn't get him a crib he'll be sleeping with me. Ashley had gotten him a car seat the other day. She strapped him in after getting him dressed as I was getting our stuff together. As soon as we was about to walk out the door the doctor came in and told us we would have to come back his doctors appointment soon.

Me and Ashley walked out with Travis and our stuff. We got on the elevator and went down to the floor she parked on. We got out the elevator and went to the car. This girl got this Lil boy spoiled already. She got this shade for the window so the soon wouldn't be in his face, then she got this sticker on the car saying baby on board. I laughed at her and but Travis in and strapped him. He was sleeping so cute I decided to take pictures of him.

"Angel if you don't let that boy sleep and stop taking pictures of him" she said getting in the car

"okay okay last one" I said taking the last one then got in

I sat in the back with him while she drove us to McDonald's. We went through the drive thru and ordered our food. After all that shit we paid and got our food and she drove to our apartment. She pulled up to the garage where everyone parks. We parked and got everything. I got Travis and our bags while Ashley grabbed the food and her stuff. We walked to the elevator and pushed our floor number and it took us there. We finally made it up there and we went to our door. She opened it and walked in to see a whole bunch of baby toys and clothes and shoes. I looked at Ashley and she just smiled at me.

"Ashley what is all of this" I asked her smiling while sitting Travis car seat on the couch

"Well whenever Antonio came that day to the hospital we did some baby shopping since your mom didn't have a baby shower I think soooo here's all the things he need and plus it was suppose to be a surprise......SURPRISE!!!!" She yelled and hugged me

"Oh Lordy what am I going to do without you" I said hugging her back laughing

"Come on now let's go get this stuff in your room" she said

I took Travis out his car seat and laid him on my bed while Ashley started bringing stuff in. I sat down and started looking through the bags and saw so many clothes and shoes for this boy lord he is spoiled already and only been in this world for 3 days. Then she had the nerve to buy a onesie saying "Auntie roll dog". I just laughed and started folding clothes.

"So what's going on between you and Antonio are y'all like a couple" I asked her

"Girl no we just fuck buddies" she said

"Damn well y'all seem more than fuck buddies" I said raising and eyebrow up at her

"Girl we are now hush before you wake up my nephew" she said laughing

"But Ashley he isn't my son so how is he your nephew" I asked her

"Trust me Angel he is going to be calling you mommy but you're going to have to break it down to him when he turn a certain age that your his sister not his mom and he is my nephew no matter what" she said pointing her finger at me

"Alright alright" I said

We took a break and started to eat our food before it got cold. After I was finish I saw that she bought a bins to keep all his clothes in but I took all my clothes out of my drawers and put into the bins she bought and put his clothes in the drawers. It took us about a good hour and 30 mins to get his clothes right and put his shoes in the closet. This boy got as many shoes as I do. Spoiled ass. I laid next to him as Ashley was laying on the other side of him.

"So how does it feel to be a big sister" she asked

"I mean it feels good that I have a little brother but I can't work like that" I said

"Well didn't Anthony say that his mom could watch him" she asked

"Yeah he did but I'm not going to just drop him off anywhere and I barely know him and his mother and plus he's my responsibly no one else's" I said looking at him

"Angel I'm here to help you okay, I can work opposite from you so I could stay home and watch him while you work and I could do the same also when you're off. Angel I'm here to help you so don't think you're alone in this okay" she said

"Okay and thank you Ashley" I said

"Don't thank me that's what bestfriends are for, we're suppose to help each other out when we need it and don't be afraid to ask" she said

See this is why I love Ashley. She doesn't look down on me or anything like that she is here to help me out no matter what it is.

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