Chapter 5 | Small Towns

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The walk back to the car was uncomfortable, to say the least, for both parties.

The mans long legs, created a long and swift jarring stride that jolted the girl and rocked her head in a swaying motion.

Her weight was non existent to the demon. His arms easily wrapped around her small thighs and slender back, he felt the curve of her spine dig into his borrowed muscled arm.

Skin to skin.

The girls flesh was cold to the touch and he noticed that she had started shivering in nothing but her towel.

Maybe, he thought, I should try to find some clothes for the pitiful thing.

A low groan escaped his lips as he thought about the process of getting her there and ready to meet her maker. The demon knew he would have to explain somethings to the small human.

He could not have her passing out again, especially in front of the sons.

The girls near to nothing weight brought to his attention the thought of finding food for his human companion.

The girl had been unconscious for sometime, and he did not have a clue to the last time she had eaten.

Sitting her into the nice black car, he decided on first things first they needed a hotel room. He would focus on getting everything else for her later. Settling into the soft ebony leather seats he started the engine letting the gentle hum and heat relax the girl.

Clicking the button to her right he turned on the girls heated seat. The demon noticed her skin had changed colors. Bekah was pale, with a touch of blue that had found its way to the girls soft lips.

He did not care for the girl at all. Honestly he could care less if she was hungry or cold.

However, the demon knew it was his job to protect the girl and ensure her safe arrival to the sons.

"Where are you taking me?" The sweet voice of his human capture filled his ears.

"I cant tell you much, but for now I'm just taking you to a hotel. I'm going to find you some clothes, and maybe food." It was as if he was rumbling on talking to himself.

He ended the conversations there and the girl was trying to run things through her still groggy mind.

Being unconscious for a long period of time is not your brains best friend her thoughts where all over the place. She could not truly process her situation. Bekha had been kidnapped, she knew that, but what did that mean.

Was she in danger? What did this man want? What about her uncle?

Her brain had been turned to mush from the past few days of traumatic experiences and exhaustion. She needed sleep, and she didn't care where it was the hotel or car.

The car made a swift left turn into the gravel parking of the small motel. The ratty exterior burned her eyes and she wondered how bad the inside could be.

Probably worse, Bekah thought.

The tall man exited the car as she looked out the window scrutinizing him. She watched as his arms swayed with each movement the taunt muscle coiling under his shirt.

Now was her chance, she would escape. Bekha wasn't sure how or where she would go but she would get away from this man.

No matter what.

She had to get away.

She waited for the small glass door to close behind her nameless kidnapper and quietly but quickly opened the door.

When the alarm didn't sound from the car Bekha took this opportunity to swing her legs around.

I can do this. No matter how tired I am

Bekha felt the rugged gravel pierce her tender bare feet. Nothing would slow her down. Her thigh burned and she felt the wound start to bleed again.

The velvety blood ran down her legs and pooled between her toes.

She didn't care which way she was heading she just wanted to get as far away from that man as possible. She turned down an alleyway to get off the main road, and allowed herself to catch a breath.

Bekah knew she needed to get further away. But it was as if her body was against her, locked in place.

What was going on?

Her heat rate accelerated, she listen to each pump as her heart worked oxygenated blood throughout her body. Bekah's adrenalin was turned on high.

She needed to run.

Gathering herself up again, she pushed on. Creating more distance between her and that ratty hotel.

The chill of the cold winter air nipped at her exposed skin, the only thing keeping her warm was the bloody towel. Nothing more then rags.

It was then as the snow started to dance gracefully through the night sky, that she heard the bellowing of a man full of rage. He had found the empty car she was sure of it.

The rage filled scream that stuck through the night caused Bekah to push forward harder.

Her mahogany colored hair wiped wildly around, temporarily blinding her.

It was in that instant that her body was knocked sideways, and slammed against the hard brick wall. Bekah felt her ribs strain against the pressure of her kidnappers weight. Felt her lungs scream as the air was knocked out of her.

His large, muscled body flushed with hers.

All it took was one look in his solid black orbs, for Rebekah to realize she had made a terrible mistake.

Her body started to shake in fear as she listened to his uneven, angry breathes.

Her kidnapper's nostrils flared with each inhale, animalistic like.

"You are quite stupid, little human." His large hand traveled up her body from her waist, till it reached he smooth thin neck. Where it stopped, and hovered. "Oh how I wish I could just take care of you now. Save them all trouble." Bekah watched as he smiled reviling sharp teeth.

What? Why are his teeth like that? Bekah asked herself, as her tremors grew.

In this moment of true fear, Rebekah's mind ran in full circles.

The man that had kidnapped her had magically made the bathroom door shatter into a thousand pieces, his eyes where now that of the blackest black, and now his teeth had grown to sharp jagged points. She could truly say her kidnapper was a monster.

"For now you are allowed to live, but do not test me. Do you understand?" His large, hot hand squeezed her neck. Closing off one of her jugular vines. She install felt light headed and it took everything she had to even nod at her kidnapper.

"Good then we understand each other human. We will now return to that shit hole of a place I just paid for and you will get cleaned up and rest. Do I make myself clear?" He spoke each word slowly and through clenched teeth, to her as if he where talking to a child.

Bekah nodded again, his hand stayed by her throat crushing her pushing vein.

"Oh how easy it would be to end your miserable life. Right here, right now. In this small town no one knows you. They do not care about who you are or where you are from; you are nothing to them. You are an outcast." Agitated his eyes locked on the base of my throat.

Sliding his hand down to Bekah's collar bone, his thumb traced over the sensitive skin causing a shiver to rack her body.

"I could crush you human."

And with her kidnappers words echoing in her mind her view of the snow covered small town faded to black.

------------------ A/N-------------

I'm writing this crazy late at night so excuse any mistakes I will fix them later! I just wanted to get this out there for you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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