Chapter 2 | Time for Change Time for Action

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❝Demons exist whether you believe in them or not. ❞

― Emily Rose

The warm rays from the sun seemed to dance across her skin, tickling and teasing her with its gentle caress. Feeling the exhaustion that had haunted her finally wane off Rebekah slow stretched out her body, earning a few slight pops from her joints as they groaned in protest.

After several long minutes she finally peeled her eyes open. The sight that greeted her was not one she had become accustomed to.

The room she was staying in at he Uncle's estate, was nothing like her old room. They were complete opposite really.

The room her Uncle had placed her in was far larger then her old room. Just the size of the room had given off an impending doom. But to make matters worse the Victorian decor which was hauntingly beautiful seemed to strike a cord within her.

The bed she laid in now was massive, and yet slightly uncomfortable. Glancing around the room she saw not one thing of familiarity, this caused her to groan out in displeasure and toss her head back on the too soft pillow.

She missed her old room. HER room. She missed the softness of the sheet, the smell of her favorite body lotion; that after years of applying to her sensitive skin still lingered in the air. But most importantly she missed her mother.

Rebekah knew the odds of ever getting her mother out of the institution again were slim to none. The doctors had trusted her once with such a 'sensitive' patient, it was highly unlikely that they would make the same mistake twice. The mistake of trusting her.

Rebekah had failed, no matter how she looked at it she just didn't do enough. If she had done more, tried harder, she might have been able to keep her mother out of that wretched place.

She felt the tears weigh heavy on her adjusting eyes. The tears blurred the already unfamiliar room twisting the shapes, distorting them till they looked like nothing she had ever seen before.

Letting her eyes drift close again, the horrid night replayed in her mind. It had been several days and still she could not shake the screams from her mother as they echoed around her mind, haunting her to no end.

Deciding that she could not stay in this new room for eternity, she threw back the heavy covers and adjusted her short nightgown. On her way to the kitchen she reflected on her past few days at the estate.

Her Uncle had been pleasant. He was not the best company, but he was polite to her and considerate off her needs. And in the end that was all what really mattered. However, she wished they could connect in some way or bond. She had already lost her mother, she needed someone in her life right now.

The first day was hellish. She sulked in her room for the majority of the day, refusing to pack, eat, or even acknowledge her Uncle. That day the tears had refused to stop falling. She had went to bed with her stomach growling and her face soaking wet.

By the second day her mind had been set. She needed to move on. Mopping around acting like a lost puppy was going to do nothing for no one, and that was the start to a whole new beginning. It was time for a change and Rebecka need to let it happen, for both her own and her mom's sake

"Good morning Uncle Ian." Rebecka's voice was scratchy as she rubbed sleep out of her eyes. Ian, who sat perched at the counter was chowing down on a BLT, but mostly bacon, sandwich.

His eyes found her as she walked across the kitchen. He looked at her as if he wasn't quite sure what to make of a teenage girl roaming his home. Since his mouth was stuffed to the brim, he nodded in response turning his attention from her back to the sports broadcast that was currently playing on the TV. This gave her the perfect opportunity to openly stare at her Uncle.

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