Prologue | Letter from Rebekah

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          ❝We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell.❞

                                                                                        ―Oscar Wild

Hello Reader,

Once you have gone so far it is impossible to turn back. I learned this not through a small incident, but through a series of large mistakes that have tainted my life forever more. The irony of my whole plight is it wasn't even my fault or any of my doing. I was an innocent bystander who was caught in the current, forced to move along with whatever was going on around me, and eventually my life was ruined.

Call me dramatic or drastic, I dare you. But until you hear what horrid, yet somehow... fascinating event that has aspired in my life you cannot even dream to understand.

Mistake #1

It all started with my mother and her disease. She's schizophrenic. You have no idea what that is? Well, I'll explain it in a few simple words. It screws your life up. It's a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by a deficit of typical emotional responses, at least according to Wikipedia. But in truth it's just a big word for something is wrong with your brain and it makes you do crazy things. 

That's why I never really expressed my true emotions to my mother, I knew she had no control over what she was doing. Even when she went as far as hurting me; I still forgave her. She tried her hardest to be a mother, but she just couldn't.

Mistake #2

After that unmentionable incident, My mother was carted away and I was taken to live with my uncle at his eerie estate. Honestly, it looked like a house straight out of a horror movie, gory paintings, dust coved white linen, and squeaky doors and floors. My mothers illness kept us secluded, in turn we never really bonded with any family members, so unfortunately my uncle wasn't too welcoming. To put it lightly my uncle was not a kind man. He was a heartless beast who when the moment his troubles caught up with him he decided to ruin my life. 

then came Mistake #3

I'm not going to go into much detail here, you'll just have to read on if you want to know. All I am going to say is… The Demon Brothers.

These mistakes where like a cataclysm, or a chain reaction. One thing after the other till it blew up in my face. After all that I have been put through I can say that I have changed, in more ways than one. However I feel that this is only the beginning, and my story has yet to find an end. 




A/N: This is a new idea that has been floating around in my brain for a while. I already have so much thought out, now I just need to write it! :P And I'm going to have a cast for this book! Yay! Already have characters for the brothers picked out, just need a girl actor for the main character. Hmm any ideas? 

Let me know what you think so far! 

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