Dear Aunt Frances had headed home early and I was able to have my room back. After I had tucked my kids into their own beds, I was able to smuggle Steve up to my room.
As I was tucking them in, I smiled to see that Bradley was already passed out and snoring peacefully away with his WWE Seth Rollins doll clutched beneath his chin.
Olivia was still wide awake, however. "Are we really gonna move to Winter's Glen, Mom?" She asked me earnestly.
I took a breath and sat on the edge of her twin-size bed to tuck the blankets in around her. "Well, honey, that's something that we grownups haven't quite decided yet."
"I want to!" She volunteered freely.
I gave her the respect of seriously regarding her face and her sentiment. "You're sure? It's very far from all that we know. You're sure you won't get tired of Christmas and the elves after just a few weeks?"
She shook her head slowly, giving me the respect of taking my question seriously. "No. I mean, it's not Disneyland. I don't wanna live in Disneyland. I want you to be happy, Mom, you haven't been happy in years, I know you haven't. I hear you crying in the bathroom when you think we're asleep."
This both startled me and saddened me greatly to hear. "I'm sorry, honey. It's been rough, with your father, I'm not going to lie to you and pretend otherwise. But that does NOT mean that I don't love you and your brother, or that I love you any less, you hear me? I am happy; you guys are all I need."
She gave me a small, rather kind smile then. "It's okay, Mom. I know you love us and it's okay that you want a boyfriend. We just wanna have a family again."
I bit my lip and nodded, taking all of this in.
"Alright, angel, let's get you off to dreamland. I have a feeling that we're gonna have a big day tomorrow."
"Okay, Mom. Love you." She yawned as she settled back against her pillow with her stuffed lion that Steve had given her back in Winter's Glen.
"I love you more than anything." I told her softly but firmly, then I left their room, making sure to leave the Santa nightlight on behind me.
That night I made love to Santa Claus in my own bed and it was glorious.
Though I did find myself rather missing his giant, luxurious, king-size bed with its silk sheets and the white fur throw.
Later I stood at my bedroom window, gazing up at the stars with my robe wrapped tightly around me.
I felt the coldness of those stars more keenly in that moment. I knew I had a choice to make, and that either way, a big change would be coming, for me and my children.
But as I stood there, gazing up at those cold, faraway stars, I realized that I no longer felt all alone; as I had for the majority of my life.
Seeing Santa Claus as a child had changed me. It had opened my mind to a whole new world beyond ours, but it had also isolated me from everyone else. I only just realized it as I looked back over my whole life from this point where I was standing now. Now that I knew he really did exist, the man himself.
I wasn't insane.
I wasn't alone anymore, with him here beside me.
Steve got out of bed and came to stand behind me at the window. He settled his big, warm, comforting hands on my shoulders.
"What are you thinking about, snow angel?" He asked me softly.
I took a deep, cleansing breath as he slid his arms around my waist.
"Well, I was thinking about what we're gonna do."
I turned around in his arms to face him. The man I was rapidly falling in love with. The legend that no one in my world even believed was real.
"About lies. About our life. About...maybe my family coming to visit us."
His crystal blue eyes widened slightly. "To Winter's Glen?"
"Emberly..." he sighed.
"Why not? Why can't they at least visit? You can bring them all, can't you? You have magic and it's your realm, isn't it?"
"Please? For me? For the kids? My family means so much to me, I can't just abandon them without even explaining to them where I'm going."
He smiled faintly and kissed my forehead. "Alright, Emberly. For the kids. But we can't take everyone, only immediate family. And they will all need to be sworn to secrecy before they leave."
"I understand." I grinned and stood up on tiptoes to kiss him once again. "Thanks, Santa." I giggled against his lips.
He chuckled huskily and I squealed softly in surprise when he swept me off my feet to carry me back to bed in his strong arms.
"Anything for you, sugarplum." He teased me lightly. "Anything it takes to keep you."
We made love after that.
He laid atop me beneath the covers and he nudged my thigh up with his knee so that he could dig himself into me more deeply and with more efficient ferocity.
When I began to moan too loudly, he clamped his hand over my mouth, chuckling huskily in my ear, and for some reason this was what send me over the edge, and I climaxed powerfully all over him.
We realized only after the fact that we hadn't even stopped to think about proper protection, we had just mated like wild animals.
Even with our blatant recklessness, though, we laid on our backs side-by-side and laughed with helpless ecstasy and joy.
Then we rolled towards each other and snuggled into one another; smiling and laughing softly and kissing until we fell asleep.
It was crazy, but I felt like I was with my best friend.
Only 5 chapters remaining in this story, to be posted tomorrow, on Christmas Eve! Just in time for Christmas! There will also be updates to my other two ongoing stories, "Cowboy, Take Me Home" and "The Billionaire's Bitch" Part Two! Check them out if you've been enjoying this story!
And, as always, please don't forget to Vote and Comment!
Happy holidays and #happyreading!

Happily Ever Christmas
RomanceEmberly Faust first sees Santa Claus when she's just a little girl. HER Santa, however, comes in the unexpected form of a tall, dark, and handsome forty-something. Young Emberly has only one request of Santa that year; for her disenchanted parents t...