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My new clarity of sight led me on a bold and determined path through my large family home, until I found him.

He was perfect, just as he always was.

He was smiling down at Olivia, no doubt making her feel better about how her parents were sequestered away, fighting, and ruining Christmas for her and her brother.

But no more, that was officially at an end.

It was time for a brave new beginning.

Steve turned to face me when he felt me approach and he gave me a questioning smile.

I continued straight for him and when I reached him, I slipped my hand up the back of his neck into his hair, pressing myself into him as I drew him down to kiss me.

His eyes widened momentarily in surprise. Then those sky blue eyes drifted closed and I felt him smile against my lips.

Then he was squeezing me close to kiss me passionately, bending me backwards just slightly as he did so.

I heard a choir of "Eeeewwwww!"s from all the children in the vicinity and I laughed and had to pull away.

I was blushing, but I was also grinning ear-to-ear. I felt as if a weight had just been lifted.

"What was that for?" Steve questioned softly. "We're not even standing under the mistletoe."

I shrugged, but my smile never went away. I had my arms locked around his neck now. There was no other place in the world I'd rather be, than right there in his arms.

"I'm just done denying my feelings. I'm tired of being scared. I know what I want and I want this."

Steve cocked his head, studying me with a slowly forming smile. "Wow, that was fast. And here I thought I would have to woo you for months, possibly years."

I swatted at his big shoulder playfully.

"So does this mean that you're really dating Steve, Mom?!" Olivia was dying to know and we both looked down at her.

Bradley was clutching her hand, both with twin hopeful expressions on their faces.

Steve looked at me then, as well. "Yeah, sugarplum, tell us, does this mean you're dating Steve now?"

I sighed, still blushing and grinning like a fool, though. "Yeah. I guess it does. I mean, I would like that. A lot. But you have to understand, Santa, baby, that I can't agree to marry you. Not yet."

He studied me and though he acquired a more serious expression, he didn't seem to be deterred. "That's okay. We can work on that. I realize it was a little too soon. I'm sorry, I can let my emotions run away with me sometimes."

I chuckled at this, shaking my head at him. He was such a dork. A total stud muffin, but also a dork.

Now he was my dorky stud muffin.

I let him pull me to him then for another searing kiss and something akin to pure joy shot through me like a star blazing across a perfect night sky.

My kids grimaced and ran away from us then, leaving us to our kisses, which was just fine with us.

Steve lifted me up off my feet and spun around with me to display how happy he was. I giggled and clung to him until he put me back down on my feet.

I was breathless now as I gazed up into his eyes.

"There's one thing I still haven't heard from you." He told me, and I raised my eyebrows in question.

He leaned down close to me then and whispered in my ear, "I haven't heard you say, 'I love you.'"

I smiled to myself, closing my eyes as I rested my cheek against his shoulder.

"I love you, Steve Coleman." I assured him softy. "If that is your real name."

This made him laugh and he kissed me again. I could spend the rest of my life kissing him, with or without the mistletoe.


I hope wherever in the world or country you are that you are staying safe and warm, and enjoying many a good book, but mostly mine! ;)


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