In no time at all, we were having so much fun that I almost forgot about my family who were currently en route.
When the fireplace started hissing and sparking violently, I jumped in surprise.
Turning to face the giant, ornate fireplace against the far wall, I could feel Steve's hand upon the small of my back.
I glanced up at him and gave him a small smile, truly grateful for his support. As I understood it, he was breaking an ancient set of rules by allowing so many humans into Winter's Glen, against their will and on such short notice, no less. And he was doing it for me.
Steve was so getting laid tonight, I thought to myself, taking his hand and squeezing it. He slanted a smug smile down at me as if he knew what I was thinking.
Then a shocking green smoke billowed out of the fireplace, jerking my attention back to it.
I gasped and moved forward, as in the next instance, my closest family members all came stumbling out of the fireplace as a collective group.
"Mom! Nana! Susan!" I hurried towards them, trying to catch them as they all seemed in danger of collapsing.
Steve caught my arm, however; drawing me to a halt.
"It's okay." He told me, and I jumped again as a small clutch of elves bustled past me.
My family members took a look around, coughing and gasping, disoriented and deeply confused.
Then, however, one-by-one, their eyes rolled back in their heads and they dropped off into a faint, one after the other.
The elves were right there, though, and they were ready; catching each of my family members upon mattresses that they whipped seemingly out of nowhere.
They laid them out in front of the fireplace in a neat row and then Mazie turned back to me with a reassuring grin. "They'll be awake in just a few minutes. They'll be right as rain, don't yee worry, Emberly!"
I tried to smile, but I was still worried. They were my family, after all, it was sort of my sacred duty to worry about them.
Steve came back to my side and soothingly rubbed my back. "Hey, it'll take a while for them to wake up. The kids will be up first, though, so, can you tell me what your nieces and nephews love most in the world?"
I could tell he was trying to distract me, but at the moment I didn't honestly mind. I could use a distraction or two.
"Uhm, Call of Duty? Halo?" I said hesitantly. I never really paid attention to what kids were doing on their electronics these days. "The Switch?"
Steve chuckled in perfect understanding. "I see. Well, you know, I think we can sort something out. I bet a trip to the arcade room wouldn't be a bad start."
I laughed, releasing some internal tension. "That's a grand idea!"
"In the meantime, maybe you and I can sneak away? Grab a shower and a bite to eat? Maybe a nip o' the whiskey? Lemme tell ya, I make a pretty mean liverwurst and buttermilk sandwich."
I laughed, gradually relaxing more and more. I glanced over at my kids to see them happily chasing the toy train around the room. "I guess maybe we could slip away for a minute or two. But you don't have to quote "A White Christmas" to seduce me."
"I know. You just make it so easy for me anyway."
I shoved him in the ribs, but it was a playful gesture. "Oh, you're so bad! You should put yourself on the Naughty List."
Steve's bright blue eyes glittered down at me. "Maybe I will after tonight. It'll be worth every bit of what I'm going to do to you, though." He leaned in and whispered this against the shell of my ear.
It made me shiver all over and I absolutely couldn't wait for him to do every naughty thing to me that he could think of.
Steve growled with lust, making me squeak in surprise as he swept me up into his arms, kicking the door shut behind us as he carried me to his bed. He tossed me upon the fur coverlet and I took a moment to stretch luxuriously. Then he pounced upon me, stripping me down in a matter of seconds. Then he was holding my hands down as he dug himself into me relentlessly; over and over again with expert force until he had me crying out and lapsing into one of the best orgasms of my life.
In the aftermath, as we cuddled together, it occurred to me that we had acted recklessly for the second time.
If we weren't more careful I was going to end up pregnant.
Happy holidays!
Thanks so much for reading! My readers make my day all year round!

Happily Ever Christmas
RomanceEmberly Faust first sees Santa Claus when she's just a little girl. HER Santa, however, comes in the unexpected form of a tall, dark, and handsome forty-something. Young Emberly has only one request of Santa that year; for her disenchanted parents t...