It's A Supernatural Love.

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~Make sure to read the CWs/TWs in the description!~

Graduating from Yuuei was a big step for them. It was also a marker to show that they fucking survived. The war did not bring them down and the aftermath didn't either. They're not turning the page to read a new chapter, class A is starting a whole new book. Especially Katsuki and Izuku. On their graduation day just after the ceremony everyone went to celebrate at a logical place that they all loved. It had been rebuilt after the war much to their delight. As class A sat together and celebrated over food and drinks they all made declarations or commitments of some sort. Eventually each and every person made their way home after eating and drinking their fill. But then there was Katsuki and Izuku. The two were walking home together. Well their separate homes.

Izuku was going back to his mother's apartment that had somehow made it through the war untouched other than being vandalized. Once it was cleaned up it was as good as new. Katsuki was going back to his parent's house. Unfortunately it hadn't survived the war, it was practically demolished by the time Shigaraki and All For One were defeated. So with the help of others the Bakugous rebuilt their home. It's not the same as before, but it was just as good. It was almost a miracle they had a home to go back to after all that had happened. The reason why it wasn't is because they fought for it. For their homes so no it wasn't a miracle. It was because they fought to keep their lives, their homes, everything safe.

Izuku and Katsuki were approaching the halfway point where they would have to split up. Lots of people always thought they lived next to each other but Izuku actually lived a few blocks further down the street than Katsuki. When they made it to the spot Izuku turned to the taller and smiled up at him. Katsuki thinks he'll never get tired of that bright smile that seemed to be reserved for him only. Izuku stepped forward and hugged the blonde before he could slip his hands out of his pockets. Katsuki huffed like he didn't enjoy hugging. He didn't usually but Izuku was the exception. He always is. The taller managed to get his hands out of his pockets and carefully hug Izuku back.

"I can't believe we made it Kacchan." The smaller said as his cheek was against Katsuki's prominent chest

Izuku tried not to think about how good of a cushion the other's chest was. His pecs were firm, but also soft against his cheek since they weren't flexed. Katsuki was blessed in that way and in many other ways. Like his strong arms, his taut back, his pretty face. Even with the scars Katsuki was so handsome. Izuku hates it when people say they ruined his looks. Katsuki was so perfect just the way he is. Scars and all. Sure his personality is brash, but he's also caring and considerate in his own way. That's one of the things that Izuku loves about him most. It might not be done in a nice way but he will make sure you're healthy, safe, and feeling okay no matter what.

Katsuki rolled his eyes.
"Of course we fucking made it Nerd." He said rubbing the shorter's upper back a little

He was about a foot taller than Izuku. Katsuki was close to seven foot now while Izuku was only five-nine. The blonde tries not to think about how short Izuku is, but at times like this when they're close or even hugging their size difference is obvious. Not to mention Izuku's smaller body is also curvy in places, he's got those "birthing hips." Katsuki is pretty sure he doesn't know how attractive he is with his plump ass and thick thighs. It's truly a curse for everyone else to be near Izuku. Especially if he's wearing leggings or tight shorts. He could kill someone walking around looking like that. Though Katsuki will obliterate anyone who tries to creep on Izuku. He doesn't stand for that shit with girls, guys, or anyone.

Izuku nodded as he pulled back to look up at his best friend.
"I know. It's just... for a while I thought..." He glanced to the side as he trailed off

Katsuki looked sympathetic for once.
"Yeah, I get it. It was touch and go for a while."

Izuku nodded again as he pulled away but looked like he didn't want to because he didn't. He wished he could hug the other forever.
"I'm just glad we made it. That you didn't..."

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