Shit's About To Get Heavy.

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The blonde parted from the kiss when the smaller gave his cock a little jerk. He can feel the precum smearing against the inside of his sweats.
"Fuck." He murmured

"Kacchan's so hard." Izuku said with a tone of amazement because he really was

How could Katsuki get so hard when he's kissing and looking at someone so plain. The blonde must really like him. It made his heart swell with love. Katsuki was so big and it was warm in his hand even through the sweats. He can't believe he gets to do this. Touch this part of his childhood friend. That childhood would be touching him the same way soon and the prospect of that was enthralling. Katsuki had never wanted to get the rest of their clothes off so goddamn fast. Izuku was too fucking cute and too fucking hot and too fucking fuck! He's going to cum too early if he lets this continue.

"You're pretty much the same Dweeb." Katsuki said as his hand cupped Izuku crotch freely over the cargo shorts

The smaller moaned a little whiny.
"Kacchan makes it easy." Izuku told him

The way the blonde touched him, kissed him, and held him in these moments felt like fire was dancing on his skin. Like small explosions went off every time their skin met no matter what place. Those red eyes that looked at him with so much love burned a hole straight through to his very core where the hot ball that contained all of his feels was ready to flood out. Every move Katsuki made on him fed that molten core until it was ready to burst because it could no longer be contained in Izuku's small body. Katsuki showed him so much love and he wanted to return it with everything he had. He loves him so much it hurts. His emotions were starting to pour out anyways. The kiss broke the damn, but there was a second wall holding the rest of it back to keep it safe until it was time.

"So does Izuku." Katsuki replied truthfully

That did it. Izuku could no longer keep himself in control. He pushed Katsuki to lay down catching the blonde by surprise. Izuku finally grabbed the hem of the other's pants and started to pull down. It felt like a whirlwind, but Katsuki went with it and lifted his hips to help the eager Izuku out. The smaller's eyes went wide when Katsuki's girthy uncut cock popped out and stood at attention. Suddenly Izuku was very hungry. Katsuki watched those green eyes turn dark as his crooked fingers reached out wrapping around the blonde's shaft giving it a little stroke. The taller bit his lip letting out a small breathy sigh. It felt warm in Izuku's hand and he could feel a few bumps from thick veins that spidered up the shaft. The smaller swallowed hard as he noticed the red head peeking out of cream colored foreskin was leaking precum down the side. He decided to lean down and lick the top to taste. Salty, but Izuku definitely didn't mind. His sodium would be fine.

Katsuki looked down at the smaller, absolutely amazed at how good his lips looked as they kissed his cock head making him groan. Fuck he was going to get a blowjob. Izuku's tongue found its way under Katsuki's prepuce and ran it along the red throbbing head. The blonde's head fell back as he let out a moan because fuck how did Izuku know to do that? The smaller pulled away with a small smile then wrapped his lips around the head lapping at the slit that leaked precum. Slowly he worked his way down the cock taking as much as he could. What he couldn't fit down his throat was stroked with his hand in a vice grip. Izuku thought Katsuki cock was weirdly soft to the touch much like the rest of him. It only made him moan which in turn spurred Katsuki's hand to land in his hair gripping it.

"Shit Izuku." He murmured as the smaller throat constricted around his cock nearly sending him over the edge

Izuku pumped the base as best as he could and Katsuki jaw clenched as his hips jerked upwards. The hand in those green air pulled a little making Izuku moan around the cock in his wet mouth again. Katsuki's balls tensed up as cum flooded the smaller groaning mouth. Izuku swallowed the heavy cum as he kept jerking Katsuki off, milking him for all he was worth. The creamy substance tasted a little bitter, but nothing he couldn't handle. Katsuki's cock throbbed as he pumped rope after rope of cum down the other's throat until he finished. Izuku pulled off his dick immediately, closing his mouth and putting his hand over his lips as he started to swallow the rest if cum. Katsuki watched him gulp down each load that had made his cheeks puff out.

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