First Time?

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A few days passed and it was finally time to start working. Izuku and Katsuki were put on patrol together since Mirko said they work best when they're side by side. It was pretty easy work much to Katsuki's dismay. Izuku was happy things were peaceful though. The people didn't need anymore tragedy after the war. Shigaraki and All For One took enough from them that they didn't need to lose more. So if that's the sacrifice, not being able to fight villains all the time when they worked, then Izuku is glad to just help old ladies or men cross the street. Living together was easy. They worked around each other so effortlessly it was like waves in a clan ocean, they flowed together.

Izuku was happy and so was Katsuki, but the past never dies because at night it haunts them. The smaller tossed and turned as flashes of the war struck his sleeping brain like Thor's hammer. Shouta, Mirko, Nejire, Mirio, Tamaki, all of them half dead on the battlefield, but then he turned and saw Katsuki's lifeless body. A giant hole was where his heart should be, a bloody All Might card laid by his head, and blood saturated his hero suit. It nearly broke Izuku. Everything, everyone, they were all hurt and while he took too long to get across the ocean. If Mirio hadn't been there he might have completely lost it on the field. In reality Katsuki made it out alive because of Edgeshot and Best Jeanist, but Izuku's dreams were not as kind to him.

Each time he dreamt about the war it left him holding Katsuki's dead body as he screamed to the sky in sorrow and guilt while Blackwhip flailed about, barring anyone from getting close. At that point is when he usually woke up. This time was no different. Izuku's body jolted up right in his bed. His heart was pumping out of his chest which he grabbed like that would make it stop as he panted. Izuku's eyes filled with tears and ran down his freckled cheeks. He knows it's not real. He knows it's not, but it feels so real. It hurts. Izuku gasped for air as he cried. Katsuki was in the other room so he knew he was okay and that he also needed to be quiet. The smaller covered his mouth as he tried to calm down, but couldn't.

Usually he would just call Katsuki when he was worried about him or visit his room if it was really bad. A call typically sufficed though, but this dream seemed to affect him more then the other times he's had it so he needed to see that the taller was okay. Izuku choked on another sob as he threw the All Might covered off his legs and got out of bed almost tripping as he rushed to the door. He opened the door, nearly ripping it off its hinges. That would surely make Katsuki pissed, but he couldn't think about that right now. He needed to see the blonde. Izuku walked down the hall a few feet and was met with Katsuki's door. He knocked frantically hoping the taller would open it. A few minutes later a sleepy shirtless Katsuki opened his door and Izuku immediately hugged him as he said 'what?'

"Deku, the hell? It's two in the mornin'..." The blonde asked when he was abruptly hugged until he heard Izuku sob against him

"Ka- Kacchan's okay. Kacchan's o- o- o- okay." He said

Katsuki frowned, confused. It was dark but he knew how Izuku liked. Those big green eyes were spilling tears by the gallon on his bare chest. The blonde felt a pang in his chest so he hugged Izuku in return and rubbed a purposefully warmed hand up and down his back. He figured out it soothed the smaller when Izuku was having pain in his hands and arms. Katsuki decided to massage them with his hands while using his quirk. The shorter was really receptive and nearly fell asleep one time since they ended up doing it often after that. Izuku was muttering something about him dying so he assumed the smaller had a nightmare. He's aware of them but he didn't think they were this bad. Sometimes the other would call him in the middle of the night but after talking for a few minutes Izuku was fine again and went back to sleep. This one must have been worse than the others or something.

"I'm here alright? I'm fine Izuku." Katsuki told him as he leaned his cheek on the shorter's head, the curls tickled his scarred face

It took a while for Izuku to calm down. He was shaking so bad so Katsuki pulled him to his bed so they could sit. They still hugged while the blonde kept rubbing his back as Izuku cried on his shoulder. He told the smaller everything was fine and that he wasn't dead. When Izuku finally calmed down enough to speak he pulled back looking at Katsuki in the dim light from the lamp on the blonde's bedside table. Izuku sniffled, wiping the remainder of his tears off his cheeks. He's sure he looks pathetic but Katsuki didn't look at him like he did. The taller looked at him with concern because he was concerned. If the dream was bad enough to have Izuku come running to him in the middle of the night it was bad. He just hoped the shorter would talk to him. It might help if they actually talked about it. Typically Izuku would just dismiss it and talk about something else so as to not upset him Katsuki just went along with whatever he wanted to talk about. Not this time though. It was more than just a simple nightmare to izuku. This was traumatic or bringing up trauma.

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