A Bad Date Can Get Better.

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Together they came up with many ideas to help Izuku reset things. His therapist said that sometimes doing relatively the same things all the time can get you stuck in a loop which will only translate into dreams. Changing things up significantly can sort of reset that cycle. Izuku took her words to heart and changed things up a bit like going to the museum with Katsuki, going shopping with Mina, going bowling with Katsuki, visiting his mother for a whole day, seeing a movie with Katsuki, making Soba with Shouto, going out to eat at a really fancy restaurant with Katsuki, couponing with Ochako, and going hiking with Katsuki.

Then he went to pick out new glasses with Tenya, visiting All Might with Katsuki, boxing with Eijirou, going to a concert with Katsuki, learning how to DJ with Kyouka, seeing a play with Katsuki, protesting deforestation with Tsu, having a picnic with Katsuki, helping Denki sort through his hat collection, and building a pillow fort in their living room like they were five years old again with Katsuki. He did so many things to change it up but none of it was helping really. That's when his therapist suggested he try going on a date after asking about his relationship with Katsuki. Izuku wasn't sure why that mattered but he considered the idea and went with it.

"Kacchan." Izuku said after sitting down with the blonde

"Yeah?" Katsuki asked while blowing his hot ramen

"I won't be home tomorrow afternoon." Izuku told him

"You going to auntie's?" Katsuki glanced over at him

"Um no." The smaller shook his head

"I'm actually going on a date." Izuku smiled to himself

"Oh." Katsuki said trying bot to let his voice weaver with jealousy or anger or maybe with sadness

"Uh have fun then, I guess." He answered

That's right. Izuku should have fun. It can't hurt. Except it can when a really attractive guy tells you pro hero Deku that you're more plain than he thought you'd be and shorter. That his freckles were ugly as was his green curly hair and his obsession with heroes was really weird. Unfortunately that wasn't even the worst part. He started trash talking Dynamight too. At that point Izuku got up and left. There was nothing the guy seemed to like about him so the man was not worth his time. He just wanted to go home and cry so he did.

From the nice restaurant he ran all the way home until he made it inside his apartment that was dark since it was late. Izuku sniffled as he took off his scarf then his jacket and slipped off his shoes. He tried not to let his tears fall too much when went towards his door but he passed his bedroom and headed straight for Katsuki's room. He's sure the blonde is sleeping but he needs comfort and warmth. Maybe the blonde can spare him. He's tried to stay away from crawling into his comfortable bed all week. Izuku carefully opened the door trying not to be too loud as he crept in but when he shut the door and turned around he saw the blonde was sitting up.

"Guess you made it home okay?" Katsuki asked while rubbing his eye

Izuku bit his lip and nodded.
"Um yeah. I didn't mean to wake you." He said

Katsuki leveled him with an unamused look.
"Then why'd you come in here?"

Izuku flinched.
"I-" He went to defend himself only to be interrupted

"I'm jokin' Nerd, I was already awake." Katsuki told him

"You were?" Izuku asked surprised as he walked towards the other in the dimly lit room

Katsuki frowned.
"Yeah. You think I would go to bed without makin' sure you made it home?" He questioned

Izuku rubbed his upper arm.
"I just thought you would be too tired to wait for me." He said

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