Nightmare After Nightmare.

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Unfortunately after they left for work it had not turned out to be a good day. They hadn't had something this bad happen in a long time. A villain leveled a building with people inside. Five died and Izuku blamed himself because he couldn't get all of them out before the collapsed. Katsuki didn't feel much better but he knew there was nothing they could have done. There was not another choice or route they could have taken to change things other than get there earlier or work faster. They were working as fast as they could anyway. The heroes got three hundred people out of that building before it came crashing down. Dynamight along with Red Riot, Chargebolt, Froppy, and Shouto were fighting the villain with everything they had, but he was smart. He had a detailed plan because before they were even fighting he'd planted bombs in the now collapsed building.

That's why no matter what they did the situation wouldn't have changed. They didn't know bombs were scattered all over the building. Izuku cried on the way home. He told and tried to comfort each of the family members that lost their loved one. Of course none of them blamed hero Deku. It was still hard on him though. Katsuki never liked dealing with the families. He knows he would say something not as comforting to them. He would be too straightforward so he kept quiet as he stood with Izuku who talked to them using his ever so kind words. The families would cry with him and sometimes hug Katsuki too who would awkwardly return it. Their kind words never made him feel better. After changing out of his clothes and into something more comfortable he started on dinner. Izuku went to his room and stayed there. Katsuki knew it was to cry some more; he hoped the other wouldn't flood the building this time.

Katsuki finished dinner then walked to Izuku room with his bowl of katsudon and knocked gently on the door.
"Izuku, I have dinner for you." He said then waited until the door opened

It took a bit but there Izuku was with red puffy eyes standing in front of him looking much like he did when he came to Katsuki late at night after a nightmare.
"I'm not hungry, Kacchan." Izuku sniffled as a tear slid down his cheek making the blonde's heart ache

"You need to eat Nerd." Katsuki replied softly, but before Izuku could retort with a predictable reply the blonde presented a bowl over

"I made your favorite; katsudon." He said

"Katsudon?" Izuku asked looking down at the food

"Yeah, figured you could use a pick-me-up." Katsuki replied

Izuku sniffled as he took the bowl and chopsticks that were handed to him.
"Thank you Kacchan. This is really nice." He said as more tears rolled down his cheeks

The smaller couldn't help it. The gesture was so nice and he was already emotional. He loves Katsuki Katsudon as much as he loves his mothers. The blonde's was a little more spicy but he didn't mind really. Katsuki wasn't sure if the tears were because Izuku was still upset because he was just emotional. This isn't the first time he's done this so he knew it would work. He hopes it will always work.

"Don't worry about it. Just eat okay?" Katsuki said and carefully lifted his hand cupping the other's freckled cheek

Izuku's glassy eyes looked up at him at the same time.
"I will." He said leaning into the touch just a bit because it was warm and comforting

Katsuki rubbed his thumb over Izuku's cheek just below his eye that closed on reflex. He wiped away the tears there then pulled his hand back realizing what he was doing.
"Bring the bowl to the kitchen when you finish." He told him after clearing his throat hoping his ears weren't pink

Izuku nodded.
"Okay." He said then watched the other turn and go back to the living room

When Katsuki was out of sight he went back into his room and sat his bowl down along with the chopsticks on his nightstand. Once his hands were free he lifted one to his cheek missing the warmth. The way Katsuki looked at him while touching made it feel so intimate. His face wasn't twisted up in pain, scrunched up in disgust, or screwed up in anger like usual. It was relaxed and soft, almost like he was looking at Izuku with love. Could he have been? Katsuki got to the living room and darted to the table to eat. He shouldn't have done that. It was way out of line. The taller just wanted to comfort Izuku, not get all up in his business. He looked at his hand, it had touched the other more than once and in many ways, but never like that. Izuku's cheek was so soft and plump even though he was a fully grown man. Katsuki's skin was soft but he had sharper features. He never really thought about what Izuku's face felt like. He tried to avoid that or keep from it.

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