They Were No Longer Roommates.

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Izuku spread his legs fully ready for the other who was aligning his cock. The smaller bit his lip as he tried to watch and oh gods when he felt the tip of Katsuki dick push in it already felt like too much. Every inch after that had his eyes rolling back and moaning out. Katsuki set a slow pace after he was fully seated. Izuku's insides were so soft and gripped his cock tightly. It was like heaven. Better than heaven actually. He thrusted back and forth as he leaned forward using an arm to support him while the other hooked under Izuku's leg bringing it up a bit.

The smaller was actually pretty flexible and Katsuki knew that before but now he truly knows it. He could probably bend Izuku in half if he wanted. Actually after they shared a sloppy kiss that he absolutely loved he lifted back up and placed his hands under Izuku's knees, pushing them to his chest. When he pushed his cock back in Izuku nearly screamed as his beautiful scarred hands gripped the bedsheets. Katsuki grunted setting a faster pace fucking ixuku deeply until he was a drooling mess.

All the shorter could get out was moans and different versions of broken Kacchans. Katsuki sped up even more as he felt the coil in his lower stomach pull tight. He's going to cum soon. He can feel it. So he slammed in grinding his cock then pulled out and repeated the same process just to make himself last longer. But he still didn't last long because cumming inside Izuku was inevitable. Destiny arrives all the same.

Katsuki's hips stuttered as he slammed in one more time and his ball clenched once again shooting streams of virile cum in the smaller that would eventually wash down the drain. Ixuku screamed as he himself came once again into his abs. Katsuki panted hard, grinding his cock just to keep the pleaser going a little until he had nothing left in him. Izuku was completely gone for a bit. Eyes dazed with a grin on his face that was a little crazy looking. Izuku's hand moved down when Katsuki stopped moving and he placed a hand on his stomach then giggled.

"Kacchan's warm." He a murmured as his eyes lifted to the blonde's and his cock twitched

"Damnit Deku. I just came." He said hiding his face in Izuku neck after letting go of his legs

The smaller giggled again as his legs wrapped around Katsuki's waist to keep him inside for a little longer. A while later the two ended up plopping tiredly onto the bed after they got cleaned up. Katsuki did most of the aftercare and made sure to massage Izuku's back with heated hands so it doesn't hurt later in the day. It was past midnight now which is definitely way past the blonde bedtime, but Katsuki was happy to take care of Izuku when he took care of so many without even being asked.

It was the least Katsuki could do for being given such an amazing night. He's always trying to help Izuku carry the world anyways. The smaller deserves to have some care for him for once. Once they got back in bed they just enjoyed each other's company as they laid together in silence.

"Kacchan can I sleep in your bed from now on?" Izuku asked breaking the tranquility

Katsuki grinned at the stupid question, but nodded.
"Just don't hog the blankets." He told him

Izuku giggled.
"Okay. I promise I won't."

Katsuki grunted in reply as he felt the smaller side hug him so he put his arm around him.

"Kacchan, I love you." Izuku said quietly while his cheek rested on a firm pec and hand laying on the blonde's chest scar

Katsuki sighed in relief and content.
"I love you too, Deku." He replied rubbing his hand up and down Izuku scarred arm gently

Scars are what ties them. In one way or another they both have scars because of each other. It's neither's fault but it's a show of how far they are willing to go to show how much they care about one another. There's nothing in this world that they wouldn't do for each other. There's no sacrifice they wouldn't make to protect each other. They have and will always be bonded. Maybe it's from some higher power, maybe it isn't, but a visible sign of how connected they are is their scars.

Katsuki is glad this won't be a one time thing. If it was then he'd have to figure out how to truly make Izuku fall in love. Though it seemed he could forgo that effort. He's never felt so blessed. Izuku smiled to himself because now he truly has everything he wanted. From being a quirkless nobody to being the Symbol of Hope laying in bed with the Symbol of Victory. He truly cannot feel any more blessed than this. Izuku might have fallen first, but Katsuki... he fell harder.


~ Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this! It was a lot of fun to write and I did it in a relatively short time. Just two or three weeks I think! :)~

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