An Awkward Morning.

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The next day Katsuki woke up first and apparently his sleeping self didn't listen to his waking self because he was currently cuddled up to Izuku who was still asleep. He was pressed up against the smaller's back and his arm was around Izuku's waist. If they were dating this would be perfectly fine, but they weren't. Katsuki tensed. He didn't know what to do. They shouldn't be this close, they shouldn't be positioned so intimately! He was panicking. Katsuki needs to move but he was worried it would wake Izuku up if he did. Before he could make a plan he went completely still as Izuku turned over facing him. Katsuki didn't even breathe as he looked at the smaller's face that was inches away from his own.

Katsuki was sure he was going to have a heart attack from how cute Izuku's sleeping face was. Eyes closed with dark lashes lying lazily against his tan skin, freckles that were so cute atop his still plump cheeks, god he almost couldn't take it. It got worse when the smaller snuggled closer hiding his face in Katsuki's chest. He hoped his heart beat wasn't too loud. The blonde thought about what to do but he honestly didn't want to move. He was selfish that way. Katsuki wanted to hold Izuku close like this. So... he did until Izuku woke up, that is. The smaller seemed just as embarrassed as Katsuki was at their position. Izuku's face flooded with red and made him look like a strawberry. The blonde loved strawberries, especially Izuku flavored ones.

"I- I'm sorry Kacchan-" He tried to explain himself to which Katsuki waved off

"It's fine Deku. It's not a big deal." The blonde told Izuku as he got up

The smaller nodded.
"Okay. If you say so."

"I do say so." He retorted as he and Izuku looked at each other

"You gonna get up?" Katsuki asked

Izuku jolted then immediately started to get up.
"Oh right sorry." He said Because he didn't mean to stare at the blonde for so long

Katsuki shook his head.
"Stop saying sorry idiot." The taller told Izuku as he got out of bed

Izuku looked up at the other.
"Apologies?" He tilted his head with a small grin

Katsuki glared at him.
"Deku." The blonde gritted his teeth

Izuku giggled and waved his hand placatingly.
"Okay, okay." He relented

Katsuki scoffed with a roll of his red eyes.
"I'm heading to the shower." He told him as he walked towards the joint bathroom

Izuku nodded, following the blonde with his head.
"I'll go make breakfast." He said standing with his hands behind his back

"Don't set the kitchen on fire." Katsuki teased

Izuku only saluted.
"Sir yes sir." He said making the blonde chuckle at his antics

After Katsuki shut the bathroom door Izuku glanced at the bed for a moment. He slept so well last night. Better than he has in a while. Since he moved into the dorms really. He slept okay at his mom's apartment but after moving to the dormitory at Yuuei his schedule was horrible and only got worse as the years passed. Some of it was due to stress while other was because he studied too late or stayed up to get All Might merch that was released at weird times online. Last night though he had no bad dreams after he got in bed with Katsuki. All his worries washed away as he slept. It was nice. Izuku wondered why he slept so well. Maybe Katsuki's bed was more comfortable? It was soft but so was his own. Maybe it was because the blonde was warm? But he's fallen asleep against him before and sometimes he still has a bad dream. Well he almost has one.

Since they never stayed in each other's rooms for long Izuku was either woken up by Katsuki or woke up himself before he got to the bad parts of his nightmares. The smaller sighed as he left the room and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. He'll make Katsuki's favorite as a thank you for comforting him. Izuku liked making breakfast. The blonde usually made their bentos and would cook dinner. He also did a lot of the cleaning but Izuku washed the clothes! He didn't let Katsuki do all the work. The shorter set the table after he finished cooking and Katsuki waltzed into the living room making his way to the bar they had. Izuku was in the kitchen so the blonde passed by him placing a hand on the small of his back letting him know he was there. It made Izuku blush but quickly continued what he was doing as Katsuki made their morning protein drinks. Izuku took a seat at the bar waiting for Katsuki.

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