District 5 vrs. Hawks

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"Hi girls." Larson says. McGill and him skate back towards me and Adam after one of the district 5 players jumps towards them.

"What a bunch of wussies." I say, we all skate over to the rest of the team and start shooting warm ups.

My blonde hair lays loosly in a braid. When my turn comes to shoot the puck I lay down a fast slap shot, it easiely soars past the goalie.

"Nice shot Y/n." Some of the guys say as others slap my back as I get back in line.


"Win. Win. Win. Win. Winnnn." We all shout as we rise to our feet.

We skate onto the rink after a talk with coach.

"Win. Win. Win." District 5 trys to do the same little chant as us but it slows down when no one really joins in.

"Block heads." McGill says as he skates by my side.

"You could say that again." Adam agrees.

One by one we all slap the goal tenders shins as he keeps balance.

I look down the rink to see the other team doing the same. I laugh as one of the kids knocks their goalie over.

Larson takes center, Banks right wing and I left wing. Mcgill gets out there too.

The puck is dropped and Larson easily gets it, shoving over the other center. He passes it to Banks who takes it and skates towards our scoring goal, district 5 kids fall following him. He puts the puck in, the buzzer goes off, and we go over to congradulate him.

Larson, McGill, and Banks trade out. On the way to the bench McGill slaps off the other teams center who trys going after him but is pulled back by the ref.

We intercept the puck and its passed to me. I skate towards the goal, no one gets close to stopping me and I put it in with a wrist shot. The team and audience cheers. The goalie falls to the ground groaning.


Were up by 15 in the third period when one of the kids on district 5 gets the puck. He skates towards our goal. Slow and steady. I hold the bottom of the bench as he swings... and misses. I let out a laugh as he crashes into the wall. As he gets up Banks checks him against the wall.

Coach cheers. 

He calls a time out. We all talk excidly. "Hey, hey hey, knock it off." Coach says. "Against this team we should have twice as many, now lets run it up." He continues. "Remember," he grabs a stick and starts hitting it agianst McGills helmet. "Its not worth winning-" He starts,

"If you cant win big!" We all finish.


McGill, Banks, Larson, and I were out there.

I had the puck. Larson, Banks, and I charge towards the goalie.

"Come on guys, lets talk about it." The goalie whines. I pass the puck to Adam and he puts it in.

We huddle slapping eachothers backs, congradulating each other.

McGill intercepts the puck and passes it to Larson.

District 5's goalie throws down his glove. Larson takes his shot and scores.

We win the game 17-0.

We all head to the bench.

"Hey! That was a lousy third period. Anyone could beat these pansies. I want you to stay hungery." Coach says. We nod. 

"Nice job Banks." He says. Adams face lights up. Coach looks towards me. "I want to see more from you Y/n." I nod. 

The team grabs their stuff and heads to the locker room. 

"Bull shit." I say as I burst into the locker room.

Some of the heads turn towards me as I enter. I head to my locker, placed at the far end by Adam's.

"Don't take it personally Y/n." He says.

"Maybe if he gave me more play time I could give more to the team." I say pulling my jersy off.

"Dont sweat it." Larson says, walking towards us, already out of his gear.

"I was out the whole 2nd period." I groan, pulling off my gaurds.

"He wanted to give the others a shot." McGill pipes in.

"Yeah! This was an easy win, he didnt want you to bring down their confidence to much." Larson says, slapping me on the back.

"Whatever." I say as I grab my bag.

The four of us head out together.

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