North Stars

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McGill, Larson, and I enter a full stadiom of cheering fans.

The North Stars was the home team. We get up to get food and as we walk back down Larson says something.


"Huh?" I ask.

"Adams here, with the ducks." McGill states, pointing up to the screen over the rink. Its says Gordan Bombay & The Ducks. 

We walk down the stairs, getting in line with Adams sight range. He makes contact with us and stares. Oh, how I miss him. McGill lifts his hand, making a gun and shoots it at Adam. With a pew sound. Larson laughs, slapping him on the shoulder. I roll my eyes.

I cant just switch up on my old bestfriend that quikley.

Adam hides his face in his hands and slouches in his seat.

As we walk back to our seat I slap McGill on the back.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"Stop being such a jerk, Adam is our friend." I say.

"Not anymore." He says with a grin.

We take a seat, and as we do the North Stars score. We jump from our seat, cheering.

They win of course.


When were leaving I see Adam and the other ducks.

"Hey I'll be right back." I say to Larson and McGill.

Too engrossed in their conversation they just let me leave, I run in the ducks direction. Acasionally bumbing into people. "Sorry." I say when I knock some ladies nachos out of her hands.

She cusses me out.

"Sorry!" I shout back.

"Adam!" I say when I get into his hearing range. He looks back, hearing his name but when he sees me he just gets back talking to the Conway kid.

I get closer to them, "Adam," I say again.

The Jessie kid looks at me this time though and wistpers somethis to his teammate.

"Hey Banks, looks like a hawk wants to talk to you." He says. The whole team now looking in my direction. Most of them hold scowls on their faces.

"Y/n, go away." Adam says.

I pucker my lips.

"No, I want to talk to you." I say.

"Well I don't want to talk to you. Come on Charlie." He replies, and walks off with Conway.

"You heard him cake eater, go away." Jessie says.

I roll my eyes.

"See you in the finals." The fat kid shouts as I head back to McGill and Larson.

When I reach them, they look at me with disgust written all over their faces.

"Why did you talk to the ducks?" Larson asks.

"I tried to talk to Adam but he doesnt want anything to due with me." I say.

"See Y/n. He doesnt want to be friends with you anymore. Dont defend him." McGill says, swinging an arm around me. 

"Yeah." I say, my eyes meeting the ground.

"We'll take him out in the playoffs." Larson says and McGill smirks.

"Right." He agrees.



sorry this is so fast paced but i am planning to also write a mighty ducks d2, that will be a lot easier to write. im sure you kinda already know how that gunna go

love yall

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