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"Where the hell have you been?" My mom slurs.

Shit. Shes drunk.

"McGills." I say, throwing my skates into the garage.

"Doing what?" She hisses.

"Just hanging out." I try rushing to my room but she grabs my arm harshly.

"Dont fucking lie to me." She looks me dead in the eyes.

"Im no-" 

She slaps me across the face. My eyes start watering.

"I know what teen girls and boys do at eachothers houses." She slurs.

I stay silent.

She releases my arm and I sprint to my room. I lock the door, letting the tears spill.

Its a shocker that she even pays the fee for hockey. But she desplays herself as a caring mother. Bull.

I fall into my bed and bury myself in my blankets.

My eyes become heavy and I let them close, falling into a deep, deep sleep.


A week or so flys by with no excitment.

Were at practice when Banks is called over by Coach Riley.

Two men stand there with him, one in a suit and the other in a... ducks jacket. Bombay. Why the hell was he here?

"This boy is playing for the wrong team." I hear the man in the suit say.

I look at McGill and Larson, our eyes wide.

"What?" Adam complains.

"According to league rules, Adam should be playing for district 5." The man says.

My mouth drops. 

"My son is a hawk, not a duck." Mr. Banks says, scowl on his face.

"Is this your doing Gordan?" Coach asks.

"I'll expect to see him at our next game, we'll have a uniform waiting for you." Bombay says.

"No way!" Adam complains.

"What the hell." McGill wistpers.

"My son would rather not play then play for your team." Adams dad says.

"Fine, if thats the way you want it, but remember, if Adam plays for the hawks, you'll have to forfit every game for the rest of the season, boy i'd hate to see that." The ducks coach says with a smirk and walks away.

Mr. suit guy explains the details to the Banks and coach walks away.

Larson, McGill, and I turn to eachother.

"Bastard." Larson says as we take turns shooting at the goalie.

I put the puck in with a quick snapshot.

"Fuck." I mummble as I get back in line.

Adam is one of my bestfriends and now hes gunna be playing with our rivals?


Our first game without Adam is against the hornets.

Coach puts me in Adam's old spot and McGill in mine.

Larson still at center.

Puck is dropped and Larson gets it.

He passes it over to me, I bring it down the ice, fast.

The boys make sure no one gets in my way.

I shoot, the buzzer goes off! Score.

The boys come over to me and slap me on the helmet.

I skate over to the box and trade out with another team mate. 

"Nice Y/l/n." Coach says, slapping my back.

We intercept the puck, McGill goes down. Score!


We win 16-2.

We cheer as we head back over to the box.

"Not bad guys. But I want to see one number for the other team only. 0." Coach says.

He looks over to me. "Nice job, Y/n. 6 points." He says, I grin.

"Now, rest up, be ready for our game against the Flames tommorow."


The starting line up heads onto the rink.

The flames are almost as bad as district 5 was.

We crush them. 


We cheer loud and proud. We made the playoffs. It looked like we would be playing the ducks. Adam. We were going to be playing against Adam. Coach was mad, something bad would happen.



the hawks finished their season a bit earilier than the other teams because they started a bit earlier. so like because they had their first game before the others, they have their last game before the others. you get?

Enemy|| Adam Banks x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now