Secrets & Songbooks

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Ariana: (Talking to a customer) Excuse me sir. (chuckle) We have a strict store policy that only store employees can take instruments off the display. We don't want to anything to break. (Ariana grabs a violin to show the customer, and the entire shelf of violins crashes to the ground. Without turning around. Ariana knows what happened and is a bit embarrassed by it) Here you go.

Luke: (Blowing a sad but comical sting trombone while standing behind a drumset) I've been waiting all day for something bad to happen so I could do that.

Harry: Something bad happened this morning when I put on this shirt. (plays a quick guitar string)

Luke: Zinger-string! Sweet!

Harry & Luke: What-up!

Liz: (Walks into Sonic Boom with an excessive amount of rouge, mascara and lipstick) Guess who got a job at the...

Luke: (interrupting) The clown store? (Rimshot)

Liz: No, at the make-up store. They pay in us free sample. And really? You're making clown jokes dressed like that?

Luke: Everyone, stop making fun of my shirt.

Liz: I was talking about your shoes.

Luke: Oh. (Walks to the counter to reveal he's literally wearing clown shoes)

Liz: Anyway, I have an announcement... (Harry interrupts her)

Harry: Hold on. (Starts a drumroll, which Liz interrupts by grabbing his drumsticks and throwing them out the door, almost hitting some mall patrons walking by.)

Liz: I just booked you a gig on TV!

Harry: (jumps up and hugs Liz) Thanks! You're the best manager ever!

Ariana: On what show?

Liz: Oh, only Miami's hippest show. South Beach Sound.

Luke: Awesome!

Ariana: Ah!

Harry: Sweet!

Ariana: (walks towards Harry) Harry, this is huge! South Beach Sound is a big deal! Do you know how many stars got their break on that show?

Harry: No. How many?

Ariana: I don't know! (starts laughing) When I get excited, I ask a lot of questions. Why do I do that? (Harry opens his mouth) Uh, don't answer.

Liz: Anyhow. They're coming to film Harry at the mall tomorrow. I told them you would write a new song!

Harry: Tomorrow? That's not enough time.

Liz: Hey, if I can get fired from three jobs in one day, I'm pretty sure you can write one song. Lazy!

Ariana: We can write a song; luckily I have some new ideas in my book, no worries. (can't find her book) Oh no! Uh, my book is gone! Worries, worries!

Harry: Okay, calm down. It's just a book.

Ariana: It is not just a book! It is my diary and journal and songwriting book all rolled into one. I write all my personal stuff in there, if anyone else reads it, I will die!

Luke: (Plays an oddly happy piece on the piano) Oops, sorry. I meant; (plays a minor and gloomy arrangement of minor chords)

*Sonic Boom*

Ariana: (Runs in through the back door) Where's my book?! Where's my book?! Where's my book?! Liz, can you get off the piano bench so I can see if my book is in there?

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