Tickets & Trashbags

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Sonic Boom

Louis: (plays an incorrect version of a piano piece) How was that?

Ariana: Well, you got all of the notes! Just not in the right order or in the right key.

Louis: Thanks! (high-fives Ariana)

Harry and Luke barge in through the back door.

Harry: Ariana, Louis, quick! We need you out of the piano. (they back away)

Luke: Put your hands in the air, and back away from the baby grand. (sets watermelon on piano while Harry holds a bat)

Ariana: Guys, what did I tell you about bringing food in the... (Harry hits the bar of the piano; the watermelon hits Louis and Ariana) -ugh store!

Luke: (high-fives Harry) Yes!

Harry: Awesome! That was way better than smashing peanuts on my laptop. (Opens his laptop to expose it covered in peanut butter from keyboard to screen)

Ariana: Alright Louis, uh, lesson's over. You can go wash up.

Louis: I'm Melon Man! (exits the store)

Liz: (enters store) Guess who got a job at...Megaphone World?

Luke: Who?

Liz: And, more importantly, guess who got an exciting piece of mail for...Mister Harry Styles?

Ariana: What's it say? What's it say?

Harry: I've been selected to take part in a study on...male pattern baldness?

Liz: Sorry, wrong letter.

Luke: I never knew you were bald. Killer toupee. (attempts to pull Harry's hair off)

Harry: Dude!

Liz: Here you go.

Harry: Whoa! I've been invited to the Miami Internet Music Awards! The rapper Shiny Money wants me to perform with him!

Liz: I convinced him to sample your song Double Take in his new rap.

Ariana: Look at you, Liz; Manager of the Year!

Liz: It was easy; all I had to do was stand outside his house doing this until he agreed to watch Harry and his video. (presses button on bullhorn; police siren noise is made)

Luke: Ugh, I hate that sound!

Liz: Oh, well in that case, (continuously blares siren noise directly at him)

Ariana: I can't believe one of my songs is going to be on an award show!

Luke: I can't believe Harry's singing with Shiny Money. He's my favorite. I hope he'll sign my picture of him I keep in my wallet. (Luke opens his wallet, takes the picture out and unfolds it, revealing that the picture is actually a poster)

Liz: Who cares about autographs? I can't wait to break out my red carpet walk. (she shows it off)

Harry: You call that a red carpet walk? Check this out; (he does one of his own)

Ariana: Step aside, rookies. Let uh... Ariana G show you how it's done! Unhh! (Ariana does hers, which is completely ridiculous, and for some reason includes a beat-box) Unhh!

Harry: I think "Ariana G" should probably go in the side entrance.

Luke: The four of us are going to have the best night ever.

Harry: I know. And look; I get access to an exclusive after party.

Liz, Ariana, and Luke: Yay!

Harry: A complimentary gift bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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