Chapter 3

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As Ai and Conan walked into the Italian restaurant, they were greeted by the warm smell of freshly baked bread and the sound of lively conversation. The restaurant was crowded and bustling, but Conan had made reservations in advance, and they were quickly led to a cozy table for two in the corner.

Ai couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as she looked around the restaurant. She had always been a big fan of Italian food, and she couldn't wait to try some of the dishes on the menu.

Conan grinned at her, sensing her excitement. "I'm glad you like it here," he said, taking her hand in his. "I heard that this place has the best pasta dishes in town, and I couldn't wait to take you here."

Ai smiled back at him, feeling a warm glow in her heart. She knew that Conan always put a lot of thought into their dates, and she was touched by his effort to make the evening special.

As they perused the menu, Ai couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. She was with the person she loved, surrounded by delicious food and the warmth of the restaurant's ambiance. She knew that, no matter what challenges they faced in their lives, as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything.

After they placed their orders, Conan raised his glass of wine in a toast. "To us," he said, a sincere look in his eyes. "To our love, and to all the adventures we'll have together in the future."

Ai clinked her glass against his, a happy smile on her lips. "To us," she said, feeling a surge of love and affection for Conan. She knew that their relationship was unconventional, given their trapped state and young ages. But as long as they had each other, she was confident they could build a happy and fulfilling life together.

 They had had a wonderful evening together, enjoying delicious food and each other's company.But as they turned the corner, they were startled to see one of their classmates, Ayumi, standing in front of them with a camera in hand. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Ayumi asked, a curious look on her face.

Ai and Conan exchanged a nervous look, realizing that they had been caught on a date together. They had always been careful to keep their relationship a secret, knowing that their friends would have a hard time understanding their unique circumstances.

"Uh, we were just out for dinner," Conan said, trying to play it cool. "No big deal."

But as Ayumi spoke, her tone suddenly changed from triumphant to angry. "How could you do this to me, Ai?" she said, tears welling up in her eyes. "I thought we were friends, and you go and steal my crush right out from under me?"

Ai's heart sank as she saw the hurt and betrayal on Ayumi's face. She had always known that Ayumi had a crush on Conan, and she had tried to be careful not to hurt her friend's feelings. But she had never expected Ayumi to react like this.

"I'm sorry, Ayumi," Ai said, trying to placate her friend. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Conan and I are just friends, I promise."

Ayumi looked at her skeptically, clearly unconvinced. "Right," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "That's why you guys were holding hands and acting all lovey-dovey."

Ai sighed, knowing that there was no way to convince Ayumi that she and Conan weren't dating. She just hoped that her friend would eventually calm down and forgive her.

But as the days passed and Ayumi continued to give her the cold shoulder, Ai began to worry. She knew that she had hurt Ayumi deeply, and she didn't know how to make things

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