Chapter 10

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The next day, Ai and Conan woke up feeling more determined than ever to make their relationship work. They had a lot of challenges to face, but they were confident that they could overcome them as long as they were together.

As they walked to school hand in hand, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. They had a lot to look forward to, and they were eager to face the day ahead.

But as they approached the school gates, they were met with a crowd of students, all staring at them with a mix of shock and disbelief.

"What's going on?" Ai asked, a feeling of dread settling in her stomach.

Conan's face turned pale as he saw what was causing the commotion. There, hanging on the bulletin board, was a large poster with a picture of Ai and Conan, looking like they were having a romantic moment.

"It's us," Conan said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ai's heart sank as she saw the picture, and she knew that their worst fears had come true. Someone had found out about their relationship, and they were going to have to face the consequences.

The previous night, Conan and Ai had sat down together to come up with a plan to make everything right. They knew that they had to be careful, but they also knew that they couldn't let anyone else dictate their relationship.

"We need to talk to Ayumi," Conan said, a determined look on his face. "She's our friend, and she has a right to know the truth."

Ai nodded, a nervous look on her face. She knew that Ayumi had always had a crush on Conan, and she wasn't sure how she would react to the news.

"We'll also need to talk to the rest of our friends," she said. "We can't let them find out about us from someone else. It's not fair to them."

Conan nodded, a serious look on his face. "We'll also need to figure out how to deal with the photo," he said. "We can't let it get out to the whole school. It could ruin our reputation and our chances at a normal life."

Ai nodded, feeling a sense of determination wash over her. She knew that they had a lot of challenges ahead, but she was confident that they could overcome them as long as they were together.

As they sat there, making their plans and coming up with ideas, Ai couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism. She knew that their relationship wasn't going to be easy, but she also knew that it was worth fighting for.

When they arrived at school, they were greeted by a tense atmosphere. It seemed that the news of their relationship had spread like wildfire, and everyone was talking about it.

Ai's heart sank as she saw the hurt look on Ayumi's face. She knew that her friend had always had feelings for Conan, and she couldn't blame her for feeling hurt and betrayed.

"Hey, Ai," Ayumi said, approaching them with a cold look in her eyes. "I can't believe you would do this to me. How could you date Conan behind my back?"

Ai's heart ached at the hurt in Ayumi's voice, and she knew that she had to do something to fix things. "I'm sorry, Ayumi," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I never meant to hurt you. But Conan and I are in love, and we can't help how we feel."

Ayumi's eyes filled with tears as she heard Ai's words, and she turned and stormed off, not wanting to hear any more.







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