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Annalise found herself at a small cafe not far from her street, she hoped that when she went to the meeting there would be other girls her age in which she could befriend so that she wouldn't be by herself for her time in Madrid.

She was sat at a small table in the corner when she saw a girl around her age looking for somewhere to sit.

"excuse me?" Annalise asked

"oh hello, can i help you?" the girl replied

"are you looking for somewhere to sit??"

"yes actually i am" the young girl smiled

"you can sit with me if you like" Annalise gestured to one of the chairs next to her hoping that she had just made a new friend.

"i'm Talulah"

"i'm Annalise, it's nice to meet you"

"it's nice to meet you too! thank you for letting me sit with you ive just moved here"

"me too!!"

"really?! how old are you?"

"19" annalise smiled at the girl

"no way! samee!!"

"oh wow, we really are a like"

Annalise sat and chatted with Talulah for a while until she realised she should probably go and set off for her meeting with work. They grabbed each others numbers and left.

@talulahowens started following you.

𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒆 / 𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑗𝑟 Where stories live. Discover now