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Annalise pov:

me and vini were both sat down on his couch watching one of my favourite Disney films. Luca. i loved it so much, it was one of my comfort movies.

we were currently sat apart, but not as far as you're imagining probs about a few inches.

i see him start to wriggle at the corner of my eye so i turn my head towards him to see what he's doing.

"sorry, i was just lying down" he apologised

"no it's okay, don't apologise" i gave him a smile

he raised his arm signalling for me to go lie under it and with him. i didn't even have to think, i just did it.

the film had ended and we hadn't moved since i laid down with him.

"i don't want to move, i'm comfy here with you." he gave me a soft smile which sent me a lot of comfort

"me too"  i returned the smile.

we sat in silence for a few minutes. however it was a nice kinda silence, a calming one.

"do you wanna have a kick about in my back yard?" vini spoke up

"sounds like a plan"


i had just got home and it was quite late so i decided to have a shower than go straight to bed as i had work again in the morning.

just as i was dozing off i heard my phone ping.

"ughh, i forgot to turn it off"

i reached for my phone, with my eyes still closed with the hope of my hand finding it.

got it!

i opened my eyes for a second to turn it off
and saw that the notification i had recieved was a message from the one and only,
vinicius junior.

night aboborà x

are you stalking me?
i was just about to fall
asleep 😂 xx

oh did i wake you?
i'm sorry x

nono it's okay i wasn't
asleep yet 🤗 x

okay, good ;) x

oh and i wanted to ask
you if maybe you would
like to go out to dinner
with me? x

sooo.. a date? x

yeah.. 🫣 x

asking over text,
what a gimp .
jokingg of course
i will 🤗 x

my heart dropped for
a second then :0

good, i've gotta keep
you on your toes ;)
and i'm just saying...

what?? x

curtis probably won't
approve of you, unless you
meet him and prove you're
not just with me for the fun
of it x

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