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annalise pov:

vini and i had finished up on the boat and headed back to my apartment at around 7 after enjoying some food on the yacht.

i had already packed my bags so we decided to go to sleep earlier as we would have to get up at 3:30am, and i would not be able to cope with the lack of sleep, i would be so mardy.

"what are you doing?" i asked vini as he laid down on the sofa

"going to sleep?" i could tell he was confused by the tone of his voice

"on the sofa? i have a spare room, and you could sleep with me if you wanted."

"oh, i'll join you in your bed then." he winked

"oh gosh, stop it." i laughed my face turning a slight pink


i hated the sound of alarms.
they were so agitating, reminding me of how i can't sleep for as long as i what to.

i yawn before giving vini a slight nudge as he was still sleeping.

"we have to get up you goon." i laugh as he groans

"and we thought it would be me waking you up" he chuckled

"i'm gonna go make a coffee, or i genuinely will fall back to sleep."

i shiver as i get out from under the covers and grab a blanket, wrapping it around me to regain my warmth

"do you want one, a coffee??" i ask before leaving the room just to check

"não, obrigado"

"is tha a no?"

"yes, you should really learn some portuguese" he chuckled

"don't have much time too"

"maybe i could teach you?"

"that would be absolute boss!"

"boss?" he laughs

"and you fella should really touch up on your scouse slang!" i join him laughing


i finished drinking my coffee and get changed into one of my tracksuits as i knew it would be freezing back home in Liverpool.

vini changed into some black jeans with a white tee, balenciaga jacket and dior trabs which he had brought from his house when he went to get changed for the beach.

"woah" i looked at vini in shock

"what's the matter? is something wrong?"

"i've never seen a lad pull off jeans before, lucky you aren't wearing skinny jeans if you wore them i don't think i'd ever speak to you again, respectfully." i chuckle

"thank you? we should really be setting off now anyway it's now 3:26"

"your welcome, let me just grab my

i go to grab them before i see vinis hand appear on the handle

"i'll grab them for you."

"i can carry them myself, it's okay"

"no, i want to be a gentleman let me carry them lise"

"oh okay if you insist. and you already are a gentleman vin" i smile

"i know" he winks

"gosh, what is with the winking. your making my stomach feel all funny"

he smiles to himself before unlocking his car and placing my suitcases in the boot

"thanks again for giving me a lift vin." i say as he gets into the drivers seat

"your welcome my love"


i didn't want to say goodbye to vini as we arrived at the airport, but i obviously had too.

it was strange really, how close i had become to him within such a short amount of time. i never would have expected it

"well, goodbye vin. i'll see you in a week i suppose"

i pull him into a hug as we stood before the security check area.

"goodbye abóbora"  he places a kiss onto my cheek before pulling away from the hug. i wave as i walk into security for my bags to be weighed and checked.



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liked by @trentarnold66, @aurelientchm and 1million+ others

@username632: that means... trent + lise reunion ahhh! cannot wait!

@trentarnold66: see you soon lil curt!
-> @annalisejones: i thought we agreed to get rid of that nickname.
—> @trentarnold66: i've decided to bring it back🤗

@andyrobertson94: hurry up. i've missed my favourite scouser
-> @annalisejones: n ive missed my favourite small person!
--> @virgilvandijk: 🤣

@talulahowens: can't believe you've left
me for a week💔
—> @vinijr: *us
—-> @username2: awhh

sorry this is quite short.
i probably wont upload tomorrow as i have a lot of plans. i'll try upload monday 🤗

please vote and comment, i like to know your opinions on the story so far as it tells me what to improve on as this is the first story i've written properly.

as per usual. i'll proof read later.
ily all❣️

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