𝐨𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐲𝐲𝐲

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*time skip to when Annalise arrives at work*

As Annalise walked up to the entrance doors she was greeted by a girl probably around a few years older than her.

"are you the new member of the media team?" the girl questioned

"i'm an intern but you could say that, im annalise by the way" she smiled

"i didn't ask for a full introduction did i? i only asked if u were the new member. follow me i'll show you ur office"

"i thought this was a meeting?"

"well you thought wrong."

"rude or what?" Annalise muttered under her breath

"hurry up then" the girl spoke gesturing to be followed

Annalise was shown a very brief tour on the way up to her office by the girl who had yet to introduce herself but she didn't really fancy communicating with her due to how rude she was.

She set her laptop and some other things she thought she may need down on her desk and decided to try find someone nicer than the mystery girl to give her a more detailed tour so she wouldn't get lost.

*curt would like to face time*

"hey curt, can you make it really quick please i'm at work"

"oh you aren't done yet??"

"obviously not or i would've rung you" she replied laughing

"how's work going then?"

"well i currently have no clue where i'm going because the girl who was supposed to show me round and introduce me to everyone is a stuck up bitch"

"oh fairs" he laughed

"it's not funny she's irritating as helll"

"i best go back to training, have fun with mrs stuck up, ring me straight after!!"

"ok bye curt!"

*call ended*

"let me guess... mrs stuck up is Elena" a dark haired boy said walking up to her

"the girl who works at the front?"

"yeah that's Elena, sorry if it seemed i was listening to your conversation, i mean i was.. but i didn't mean to. Cant exactly turn my ears off you know" he laughed

"it's fine honestly, i'm Annalise but please call me lise"

"i'm Vinicius but call me vini" he smiled at the young girl

Annalise smiled back at the boy. She knew who he was but she wasn't gonna tell him that.

"his eyes are so pretty" she thought to herself

"helloooo? are you there" vini said snapping his finger to try re-gain her attention

"oh sorry just zoned out a little"

𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒆 / 𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑗𝑟 Where stories live. Discover now