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annalises pov:
about a week later...

i woke up in the morning with really bad cramps. usually i would just move along with my day, but today they were unbearable.

i couldn't go to work. as much as i tried to encourage myself to just get a grip and go, i couldnt, i felt as if i had been stabbed multiple times in the stomach.

i decided to phone work and tell them i wouldn't be able to make it today, they were completely understanding which i was great full for, as some bosses wouldn't be very happy with their employees taking the day off.

as i wasn't planning on going out, i stayed in my pyjamas and grabbed a hot water bottle to try relief my pain, then slouched into my couch getting as comfy as i possibly could. i didn't know what to do to entertain myself so i messaged talulah asking her to come over.

hey girl! are you busy? xx

nope i'm 100% free!
and i thought you had work
today?? x

i did, but cramps kinda
ruined it 😂 x
can you come over i'm
bored and in pain. x

of course x
i'll see you in 5 x


"Hey girlllll!!" talulah shouted inviting herself through the doorway

"hey" i groaned as my stomach cramped

"i brought u some vimto!" she smiled handing me the large bottle

"thank youuuuu!! i love vimto with my whole heart"

"i mean.. who doesn't?!!"

"do you wanna watch a film?" i asked still in agony

"yes of course!"

she took a seat next to me on my sofa and we searched for a film. we ended up deciding on luca, well i decided and she just went along with it.

before the movie ended we decided to order something to eat, since we were both starving and obviously mcdonalds was the decision we came to. the order had just arrived so we sat down to eat it.

"so.. how has work been recently" Talulah questioned taking a bite from her sweet chilli chicken wrap.

"it's been great! all the boys are really friendly and i've been becoming great friends with all of them! i'm going to miss them when my internship comes to an end."

"when does it come to and end?"

"3 or 4 months"

"oh so not too soon then!"

"yeah i suppose but it's not very long either. i could choose to get an actual job here though if i wanted, im just not sure yet."

"yeah i understand, so how are you and vini?"

"we've been a lot getting closer, he'll always facetimes me before he goes to sleep just to say goodnight, but if i don't answer he'll leave me a message knowing i'm already asleep"

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