Chapter 11

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The Fabangeses made it home in one piece and immediately went to sleep.


Karou and Yuria invited Arnold over to the house after they woke up from their well deserved nap.

He had his dad drop him off and brought his presents for them.

They all sat in a parlor, drinking tea and eating cookies. He gave them their gifts so they gave him his. The girls opened theirs in happiness.

He loved watching them do so. It made him feel good that they liked what he'd gotten them.

"Open yours, Arnie!" Karou was eager for him to see what they'd gotten him.

He smirked at her excitement so he did open his. He found some things he knew about like video games and clothes but a few thing confused him. "Why did you buy me this shirt? It's like for a baby."

Yuria shoved another present at him. "Open this."

He opened it in confusion. "What are these? Walkie Talkies?"

"They are baby monitors."

"I think I got someone else's gift then."

"No, it's for you." Karou hoped he would figure it out without them telling him.

"Why'd you get me baby monitors?"

Yuria simply shoved over another gift.

Arnold was getting a little frustrated by their refusal to answer any of his questions. He huffed before opening the small package. "World's Greatest Dad. Is this for my dad?"

He's blonder than I thought... Karou chewed on her bottom lip. "No."

"Oh. Is it for your dad?"


That was a strong statement. "Then who is it for?"

"You!" Yuria couldn't take it anymore. "The mug, the monitors, the shirt! They're all for you!"

"Why?" He blinked at her becoming unglued.

Karou blinked. "I thought you were smart?"

"You can't give me half the equation and expect me to know the solution."

She could admit that. "Why would these items be for your dad?"

"I don't know." He frowned. "My little brother is ten."

"Yes, he is. But you know who is a baby in your family?"

He shook his head, genuinely perplexed. "No."

She rubbed her belly.

He just looked at her, waiting.

"Oh my..."

"Arnie, we're pregnant!" Yuria yelled.

He blinked before gasping.

Karou facepalmed. "Yeah, we're pregnant."

His jaw dropped.

"Say something!" Yuria shouted before straight out bawling.

His mouth worked before it stopped.

"Are you okay?" Karou snapped her fingers in front of his face.

He made a sound like a dying bird before inhaling deeply. "You're pregnant?!"

"That's what your words are?!" Yuria wept.

"Arnie." Karou patted Yuria's hand soothingly. "Are you okay?"

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