False Accusations

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Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoy the early update!


"I-I-I'm not your girlfriend," I stuttered.

"You are my girlfriend," Erik growled, cementing that I didn't have a say in the matter.

"I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend," I panicked.

I should be flattered that a boy wants to date me, but...Erik scares me. It's possible he can simultaneously be my savior and destroyer. If I give into him...there's no coming back.

"That's because your dad wants to save you for himself," Erik chuckled.

He grabbed my hand and meant to tug me towards the examination rooms in the rear of the clinic when the man I assumed was the doctor blocked him from passing. I looked back and forth between the two men, wondering which one would break first.

Only a fool would bet against Erik.

"Erik, you need to take that girl to the hospital for proper medical treatment."

"Her name is Jezebel, not that girl. Show a little fucking respect," Erik sneered in his face.

"What the fuck do you know about respect?" the man snapped back. My eyes widened in surprise.

This man is going to die.

"E-Erik, let's just leave," I begged.

"Shut up. We're not leaving until Dr. Masters fixes you up. If he knew what was good for him, he'd do it swiftly without complaint, or my mother will hear how he was a few seconds away from chowing down on his receptionist like a $5.99 CiCis Pizza buffet."

"I've never had CiCis Pizza before," I whispered.

"I'll take you once we're done. What's it going to be, Charles? Are you going to fix my girl up, or do I have to call Helen?"

Charles paused as he considered his options.

Please say yes...I'm hungry.

"Examination Room One."


I wrung my hands nervously and stared at a poster promoting Brazilian Butt Lifts. It wasn't my first choice of reading material, but anything was better than making eye contact with Erik when he was mad. Thirty minutes had passed, and Charles had yet to make his arrival. Erik was beyond annoyed, and I could only imagine what wicked thoughts ran through his head.

I need to distract him.

"Did you get in trouble with your mother this morning?"

He smirked and started to tap his fingers together like a villain from a thriller movie.

"She was upset that I didn't come home last night. She thought I was in jail or dead."

"Y-you didn't check in with her and tell her you were with me?"

"No, where's the fun in that?" Erik challenged.

"Erik...you shouldn't mistreat your mother like that...some of us don't have mothers."

I tried to stay strong because I knew Erik didn't like it when I cried, but I couldn't help it. Erik sighed before snatching a few white paper napkins from a dispenser.

"I know what you're thinking, Squeak. You probably think your life would be so much different if your mother were still alive. But you don't know that. Your mother could've been just as demented as your father, and then you would've been living under a roof with two abusers instead of one. Living in what "could've been" will have you more fucked up than reality. Stop that shit. Do you hear me?" I pitifully nodded. Erik dried the tears from my face, gently patting the bruised skin. "I have a question."

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