Elliot King

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As we ventured to the spa, I shook off my impure thoughts regarding my sister-in-law. She was gorgeous with a capital 'G,' fierce, seductive without trying, and it'd take minimal effort to pick her up and toss her like a fucking rag doll...consensually, of course. I pegged Jezebel as an aggressive lover who didn't mind a little hair-pulling, shoulder-biting, an occasional slap or two, and erotic toe-curling dirty talk. However, I valued my life more, and the last thing I wanted was to die over pussy that didn't belong to me.

Erik gave me a staunch warning not to make a move on Jezebel when she left to bathe. At breakfast, I'd convinced Jezebel I'd cut myself shaving. Little did she know it was from Erik's blade pressed deeply into my throat.

My mission was to get rid of the simp and deadbeat father and give my blessing to the unhinged couple—nothing more, nothing less.

I'll collect my riches and live like a true king.

I rushed ahead of Jezebel and opened the door to the spa for her.

"What a gentleman," she drawled.

"I have to play Adrian, after all. It's hard to believe he is so chivalrous; you know, with the fatphobia and such."

She laughed softly. "Adrian had to be chivalrous."

"Because you're hard to get?" I guessed.

"I'm not hard to get; it's hard to get me—there's a difference."

You must admire a confident woman who knows what she wants.

"Did Erik have to work that hard, or did he have you at hello?"

She smirked. "Honestly, it's hard to say. He bulldozed himself into my life, but as soon as I'd gotten my bearings and figured Erik out, it was smooth sailing from there."

I stopped her before we reached the reception desk. "May I ask you a question, and you promise to be honest with me?"

She smiled weakly. "That depends on the question."

"If, for some unspeakable reason, Erik never made it back home, would you have stayed with Adrian?"

"No. Any other hypothetical questions you want to throw my way?"

I put my hands up in resignation. "No, ma'am."

Except you hesitated before answering and are a dirty, filthy liar.

What a conundrum that would've been. I'd imagine she'd stick with Adrian for the principle alone—all that plotting and scheming would've been an utter waste. If she didn't have an ounce of love for Adrian presently, she'd most likely learn to love him. In that situation, I could see Jezebel staying with Adrian because of Izabel. Why would she break up their happy home and leave their daughter fatherless?

Jezebel's too self-sacrificing to do that. I wonder...

"One more question."

"Make it quick. You're keeping me from seeing my child," she drawled.

"Were there any genuine, good moments between you and Adrian?"

Jezebel sighed. "What's with the twenty-one questions?"

"I'm a curious little cat." She opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off before she uttered a single word. "I know curiosity killed the cat, but I also have nine lives. Humor me for a moment. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

"Are you sure you can keep a secret?" I nodded enthusiastically like a dog whose owner was waving a steak in its face. Jezebel motioned for me to come closer, and I leaned down to hear her whisper her confession.

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