Prison Break

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I glared at Helen from across the bedroom. I was upset that we were inconvenienced because of her erratic behavior. Erik was supposed to take me on a date tomorrow, but no, he had to stay and babysit his bat-poop-crazy mother until his father arrived.

I'm still confused how the man is just supposed to walk out of prison at the snap of his fingers.

Helen was a loose cannon and a liability and needed to be locked in an insane asylum.

You have to be crazy when you make Harley Quinn look sane.

"I know you're judging me," Helen said, chuckling at her words.

"The only one you should worry about judging you is God," I snapped, annoyed that I was on psycho mom babysitting duty while Erik cleaned up her mess.

The bedroom quieted for several minutes.

"You'll be me in twenty years. Trust me."

"I won't be anything like you."

"How can you be so sure?" Helen asked with a curious head tilt.

"Because Erik knows that I have limits and there are boundaries."

Helen cackled. She looked possessed handcuffed to the bed the way she was. "Boundaries; that's funny. Sociopaths don't understand boundaries."

"Wrong again. They understand the consequences of breaking said boundaries very well. If they didn't, then they wouldn't be capable of functioning in society. I bet you everything I have that Erik Anderson King will never mess with another one of my stuffies for as long as he lives. I feel sorry for you, Helen. You might've been rescued after Jacob abducted you, but you never escaped him. You're the poster child for Stockholm Syndrome, and you're afraid to admit it."

Helen smirked. "Erik's going to chew you up and spit you out. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but one day when you're comfortable and you think you're in love, he'll pull the rug from under you. You won't even see it coming."

"That sounds like projection to me."

"Hey, Squeak," Erik called, interrupting us as he entered the bedroom.

"Yes, King?" I answered sweetly.

"You have to leave."


"You need to go shopping with Ashlynn."

"Don't you think I should stay with you?"

"No. You need to be business as usual. At least you'd have somewhat of an alibi if shit hits the fan."

I pouted, but it didn't take long for him to kiss the pout right off my lips.

"I need money, King." Without hesitation, he pulled out his wallet and gave me his credit card. "Do I have a spending limit?"

"Get whatever the fuck you want. You always do."

"Gold digger," his mother mumbled.

"Shut up, dick fiend!" Erik shouted at her.

I bit my bottom lip in a half-hearted attempt to hold back my laughter and left mother and son to their insanity. I'd barely hit the bottom step when I received incoming text messages from Ashlynn and Tucker.

Tucker: Can I take you out tomorrow?

Jezebel: Sorry. Some family stuff came up. Raincheck?

Tucker: That sucks. I want to see you.

"I bet you do," I mumbled, switching over to answer Ashlynn's text.

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