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One Year Later

"King, you have a visitor."

I peered at the corrections officer over my bible and raised a questioning eyebrow. "A visitor? Who is it?"

"Your father," he replied gruffly.

I bookmarked the page and softly closed it before returning it to my bookshelf.

"My father? That's interesting."

"Not who you had in mind?"

"No, but seeing a friendly face will be nice."

"I'm friendly," Frankie interjected, seemingly wounded by my lack of acknowledgment.

"Yes, you're friendly. I'm sorry if I offended you."

"You're forgiven. Enjoy your visit."

"I don't know if enjoyable is the word, but I'll be optimistic," I said before following Officer Grimes out of the cell. It was a fitting name for someone who swore an oath to protect, serve, and uphold themselves to a lawful standard but chose to be owned by Jacob King. Officer Grimes had another thing coming if he thought his job was over once I was released.

Once you're on Jacob King's payroll, there's no getting off. Death is the only alternative.

"Behave," Officer Grimes instructed once we entered the cleared-out visitor's center, where Jacob sat proudly. Although it had nearly been two years, he still looked the same. I was hoping that time hadn't treated him kindly. It would've been vindicating to see some baggy wrinkles, thinning and gray hair, or a bald spot—something to show that time was catching up to him while mine stayed still. But no, he sat there with a cocky grin on his face like he was the king of the castle.

"Anderson," he greeted me when I sat across from him.

He's trying to piss me off already.

"Jacob," I replied casually, reflecting my mood that I'd rather be anywhere but with him.

"You look...you look well."

"I feel well. Thank you."

He smiled. "How have you been holding up?"

"You already know how I've been holding up. I'm sure you receive weekly or monthly reports regarding my well-being."

He chuckled darkly. "You know me well, my son. Or would you prefer for me to refer to you as Chap? I hear that's what they're calling you these days."

"Whichever you prefer."

He squinted his eyes and took a moment to analyze my calm demeanor. He expected me to raise Hell upon seeing him. It would've given him no greater pleasure than to see me cursing him to the lowest pit of Hell and foaming at the mouth. He said it himself. He would rather someone hate him than love him because it takes more energy to hate him. Simply put, Jacob King was an energy vampire who loved to feed on other's misery.

I'm convinced he isn't human. He's a demon, wearing the face of a man.

"I heard a rumor and need your help dispelling it."

"I'll do what I can," I agreed. He laced his fingers and leaned forward on the steel table with his forearms resting on the edge.

"I hear that you're a brand-new man. Is that true?"

"I strive every day to be better than the day before."

Jacob grunted. "I hear that they call you Chap and that you found religion."

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