Twin...where have you been?

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I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest as Elliot toyed with us. He was enjoying Jezebel's distressed looks and my angered ones. I understood that what Elliot was doing was unavoidable. It was a King trait to want to cause distress, confusion, and discomfort. I had no doubt that Elliot was getting off on the befuddled furrow of her brow and the enticing tremble of her full bottom lip as he circled her with analytical eyes identical to Adrian's.

"Tiny...delicate...breakable," he whispered, finally stopping in front of her.

He got the tiny part right, but Jezebel will break her foot in his ass if he doesn't stop fucking with her. Mine, too, if I'm being honest. But despite knowing this, I don't plan on saying a damn. Elliot will find out the hard way that Jezebel King is not to be trifled with.

She finally broke out of her shock and narrowed her eyes at him. "I didn't ask for a description of your balls." I bit my bottom lip to hide my smile brought on by the temporary stunned expression on Elliot's face. Jezebel whirled around and confronted me before he could retort. "Anderson, what the fuck is going on? Adrian has a twin? did—does he know?"

"I'll explain—"

"Shut up, Sherlock!" Jezebel spat, putting her hand up to his face. Jezebel's coldness towards him did little to deter him. He smirked before returning to the couch.

"I fancy myself more like Mycroft."

She rubbed her temples fiercely, and I knew that if explanations weren't had in the next few seconds, she'd be storming out of the suite.

"Adrian does not know about Elliot. As the story goes, their mother couldn't afford to care for both of them and gave up one at childbirth," I explained.

"Poor Adrian got the short end of the stick," Elliot interrupted, switching from tea to something stiff.

"Elliot was put into foster care and was adopted by some kind folks who didn't mind an ugly baby."

"I resent that," he huffed.

"I don't give a fuck, Elliot. Where was I?"

"Ugly baby," Jezebel drawled.

"Right. They took his ugly ass back to England and—"

"I'm sorry, but you're not the most inspiring storyteller, Erik. Allow me to take the floor."

He makes the roof of my mouth itch, but I suppose that's what older brothers do.

I grabbed Jezebel's wrist and tugged her towards me before dropping into an armchair with her on my lap.

"I'm going to take the reins here and expedite because I need to know how the two of you crossed paths," Jezebel said, pointing between us.

"My parents found good fortune in England—an inheritance from a family member; however, a series of bad business deals, gambling, and loose women depleted the fortune. When my adoptive parents died in a regrettable freak accident—"

"You killed them," Jezebel offered dryly. He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Sharp as a whip, this one, eh?"

"You have no fucking idea," I sighed, rubbing my watering eyes. I was in desperate need of a hot shower, good food, a stiff drink, and vice grip pussy before my head hit the pillow.

I'll admit. That last one is a stretch. Izabel might start middle school before I get laid again. doesn't hurt to ask. All I have to do is tell Jezebel I'll give her that baby she's been plotting for, and she'll part her legs like the Red Sea.

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