You Loved Him So Much

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You saw him.  He was standing up in the bus holding onto a pole.  Oh how much he made your heart race.  Everything he did made you go crazy.  He was just so so perfect!!

He looked at you.  

HE looked at you.

You felt your hair move in all sorts of directions as you realized what just happened.  He soon was getting off the bus, he worked at that gas station.  You were going to talk to him today.  You had to.  No one was going to take him....he was  Y O U R ' S  and  Y O U R ' S  O N L Y!!!!

It took you a second but you teleported outside of his work place.  The feelings you felt were so hard to control you just wanted to c u t  h i m  o p e n  a n d  t a s t e  h i s  b l o o d.  No no-  He wouldn't like that!  

Soon you found yourself walking into his workplace.  "Hi there!  How may I assist you?" he asks you as you find yourself freezing in place.  "Hi." you felt yourself barely being able to say anything.  "Hi!" he replies back.  "What's your name?" you muster up the courage to ask him.  Of course you already knew it, y o u  k n e w  e v e r y t h i n g  a b o u t  h i m.  "It's John Doe!  It's on my name tag..." you felt Doe's voice trail off towards the end.  



"You really think I'll ever love you?" Doe asks you.  

"IT'S JUST A DREAM YOU'RE NOT REAL-" you yell out loud.  It was one of those sicko dreams your mind liked showing you, to mess with your feelings.  

You woke up in a sweat.

Feeling small scratches on your face, you opened up your eyes.  It was your chipmunk named Chipy.  It wasn't the most creative name ever but it worked.  "Ok-  I get want me to wake up.  Geez." you tell Chipy feeling how your fake body was melting.  Usually you enjoyed Chipy's little scratches of affection. (for sure affection)  But not when you had those horrible dreams.  You stood up in your bed and started breathing....through your hair.  

Looking down at your feet you see your pet tarantula named FitnessGram Pacer Test.  Though you usually called him Gram or Pacer.  "Oh fine-" you got out of your bed and looked at your night stand.  There was some dead crickets on your nightstand which you handed to Gram and Chip ate some berries you handed to him.  Also on your night stand were some teeth, and Doe's pictures.  You hand more in your partially messy apartment s o  s o  m a n y  m o r e.  "Chip...Gram....i s n ' t   h e   j u s t  s o   s o  l o v e l y!!" you feel yourself say as you grab his photo and kiss it.  More specifically his lips in the photo.  

Chip barely paid any attention to you and just gave you a simple nod.  Gram on the other hand just ate the cricket and went on his way to probably torment the neighbor's cat again.  They've been on some sort of war ever since the neighbor had moved in a few days ago.

Placing down the photo you decide to put on something to wear today.  Looking at the small pile of things at your bed, you somehow find some clothes in it that weren't covered in some grime from another dimension.  Changing your clothes and walking to your living room.

Trailing behind you was Chipy....with A MACHETE-  "CHIPY-  WHAT DID WE TALK ABOUT THE SHARP OBJECTS?!?!  TO NOT GET THEM.  I NEED THEM IN GOOD SHAPE WHEN I USE THEM." you tell Chipy as he runs away into one of his little homes in the stacks of dirt and other junk in the living room.  

"HEY-  GET OUT FROM UNDER THER-" you crouched down to the height of where Chipy was at only to be stabbed in the stomach....WITH THE MACHETE.  "Mmm-  Why'd you do that?" you ask Chipy as he sticks his tongue out at you as he removes the machete.  You enjoyed pain....but you also hated when Chipy was being an absolute B R A T again.  The little gremlin ran into his little hidey hole and then came out to give you a tooth.  

He was trying to make a treaty.

It wasn't going to wo-


hmm Machete or Doe....

Machete or Doe....

How about.....


You use your hair to tie Chipy up.  And use your fake body to grab the tooth and the photo.  The little chimpmunk dropping the machete in panic as you make sure your hair ties him up good.  His little body squirming as you do this.  You also grab the machete cause you weren't gonna risk it again.  "HAH-  YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART!!!" you say as you release Chipy after you grab everything from him.  He simply gave you a glare and ran back into the little home of his.  

You let out a heavy sigh as you check the was...OH YOU ARE SO LATE!! YOU'RE NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO CATCH HIM ON THE BUS TODAY IF YOU DON'T START RUNNING.   Wait you can just teleport.  Whoops-  False alarm-

Before teleporting you make a small form of yourself that looked like a mini hairball to watch over Chipy and eventually Gram.  You really hoped Chipy and Gram didn't tie up this mini version of you, again.  "Ok Chipy I'm going!  Don't threaten the little hairball!" you tell Chipy who was peeking his head out of a hole in the pile still looking highly upset.  Then you teleported to the bus stop that Doe always went to.

You walked into the bus and sat down on a nearby seat.  There he was.  He didn't notice you this time.  But you wanted him notice you.  You wanted him to be yours.  Even if in the future you had to try some other not so nice tactics.   Even though you knew he wouldn't enjoy any of had no choice.  You had to make him belong to you.

Sooner or later he walked off the bus and to his work place.  Gao the gas station.

Probably the weirdest name for a gas station but oh well who am I, the narrator, to judge, I just tell the story.  

Ok let's continue.  

Following behind him, you feel your heart in your head pound faster.  He didn't even notice the new picture you took of him just seconds ago.  It wasn't until he had finally reached the inside of the gas station and was behind the counter when he spotted you walking into the gas station.

He saw you.

Your Lovesick Mind for Doe (John Doe x "Regular Guy" Reader)Where stories live. Discover now