You Almost Got Caught

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Your pupils grew small as you frowned at the tall figure before you.  "It's been a while since we talked...hasn't it?" Maison Talo, NUMBER 1 PAIN IN UNCANNY VALLEY, tells you as Gram.  Gram left you.  "OH DEAR-" Maison screams as you hurt your neck to see his face.  That Gram was biting.  "GO GO GRAM!!!  IF YOU CAN'T DO IT NO ONE CAN!!!" you say as you and Chipy start cheering Gram on.

"Dear...are you there?" you say as a hand waves in your face.  Maison had crouched down to your height and Gram was still in your hands.  You let out a heavy sigh as you look at Maison.  "I was plotting your lovely death.  Too bad that can't come any sooner." you say as Maison frowns in response.  Looking unsettled with what you had just told him Maison's smile stops as he stands back up.  

"You haven't come back recently to do your bets.  That's a bit odd...don't you think?" he asks you as you start following Maison who you assumed was walking to his place.  "I thought you didn't like them." you say as you place your pets in your pockets.  "I thought you weren't getting worse with your obsession with that JOHN DOE.  Yet here we melting in front of me because of some weird creep." Maison says as he suddenly stops.  

"We're here." Maison says as he gestures to his "house".  "I bet you that the next person that enters your "house" will set it on fire." you tell Maison with a smirk.  A random person walking into the view in front of you and Maison.  

"Is this place for sale?" the person asks.  "Ah yes it is!  Please excuse me I need to talk to my new "BUYER"." Maison says as he walks toward the person.  Your smile that was always on growing bigger.  "Can I see the insides?  I may consider buying it!" the person exclaims as Maison nods and leads them inside.

Little did he know.  That that person was just a small hair ball that you had gotten a fake body for.  "Ready....." you start.




Right at 3 the house burst into flames and the hair ball came running toward you.  "Where is the fire extinguisher?" you ask the hairball who hands it to you.  You using it on the house as Maison's lure comes running out.  "AND YOU WON AGAIN-  Fine.  Here is your pay." Maison says as he hands you 300 dollars and then takes the fire extinguisher to finish the job.  

"Another day another slay." you exclaim as you walk back to your apartment your hair ball becoming a part of you.  


You can't help but feel you're forgetting someone.



WAIT WHAT ABOUT DOE THE SECOND-  "GRAM HAVE YOU-" you try and ask Gram before you feel a tug on your hand.  


You whip your head around and find...Doe the Second.  If you had  a heart you pretty sure you would have had a "heart...." man what do humans call it.   A "heart everlasting war battle"?  Yeah that's it.   "Where did you go Doe the Second?" you ask him as he just looks away and attaches himself to your hand.  

Realizing you could yet again teleport you find yourself at your apartment in seconds.  In the worst place.   The lights were red.  It was where you kept all of your pics of him at.  Everything of him was there.  Oh how lovely he was.

He flashed through your head as your eyes half lidded and you fall to your knees.  You look at the mirror as songs play in your head.  They were his favorites too.  You find yourself change to how he looked.  "LOOK AT HIM-  DOESN'T HE JUST MAKE YOU GO CRAZY???" you ask them as Doe the Second watches as you go insane...actually. I take that back-  He's eating your "body" poor dude got covered by the melting thing and can't see.

It took you a few moments when you finally snapped out of your love trance and teleported to your living room.  YOU HAD COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT DOE THE SECOND.  WHAT IF HE KNEW DOE-  "DOETHESECONDYOUBETTERTELLNOONE-" you yell at the poor thing as you see him covered in your melting body.  Bro couldn't even see and you accusing him of telling John Doe about your heavy obsession.

You removed the melting body off Doe the Second and stood up and walked to the couch to watch your favorite show.  "Sorry about that bud." you tell Doe the Second as your other two pets had disappeared to do who knows what.






"oH MaH  GaWd!?!?! CAN YOU PLEASE BE QUITE!" you scream at the noise. "I'm sorry you're not an alarm clock are you? BEEP- BEEP-" Doe tells you as he continues to make the noise.  "Doe you're so loud you gonna make Maison appear-" you tell Doe.  "Hello dear buyer! Have-" Maison says as he appears out of nowhere "Speaking of Maison- Maison did you know you remind me of my Grandma?" you say out of the total blue. "I ate my grandma dear buyer-" Maison says as he fixes his outfit. "Could you just leave-" you ask Maison...who was no longer here. "I love you-" Doe tells you. "Did you not just- w h a t -" you stutter out as you get out of bed and try and get Doe off you.

"Doe how do you feel about- OMG DOE ARE YOU DEAD-" you scream out loud as you shake Doe's body which was completely still.

Note: Don't question that last part-  OMG WHY IS MY SISTER WATCHING HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE FOR THE 150th TIME-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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