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"CHIPY WHERE IS FITNESS GRAM PACER TEST AND DOE THE SECOND?" you ask Chipy as you shake him like a Magic 8 Ball to get the answers.  Chipy squeaks in panic.  I lied.  He's speaking chipmunk.  

"WAIT DOE THE SECOND WENT OUT THE APARTMENT AND GRAM FOLLOWED???" you ask as Chipy nods his head as you place him down to show you where the two went.  He went out the apartment door, you following behind him as if you two where Sherlock Holmes and Watson.  Chipy was Sherlock Holmes of course!

After walking for the longest time that you were already out of the apartment complex and in the downtown part of Uncanny Valley, Chipy started making noises.  "Oh did you find them?" you ask Chipy.  Chipy making lots of noises as to tell you something important.  "What is it?" you ask Chipy as you look up.

It was John Doe.



"Hi!  Is this spider yours?" Doe asks you as he hands over FITNESS GRAM PACER TEST-  GRAM MUST HAVE SET YOU UP-  HOW DARE HE!!  "H-heh...yeah-  You're mine-  I MEAN HE IS MINE!! YEAHHE'SMYTRALANTULAOMGI'MSOSORRY-" you say quickly as you feel your fake body melting.  'NOT NOW NOT NOW-' you chant in your head as you take Gram and try your best to stay calm.

"Oh what is his name, if you don't mind me asking?" Doe asks with a small smile, he looked so sincere.  "His name is uh....FitnessGram Pacer Test-" you reply as you look him in the eyes.  

He started laughing.  "That's one of the funniest names I've heard!  Hey aren't you that person who came into the gas station and ran for it?" Doe asks as he continues to laugh a bit.  "WHAT NOOOOO-  WHERE DID YOU GET THAT IDEA FROM???" you exclaim, your body was melting more.  "You're funny!  I need to go and complete some errands so I'll have to get going, ok?  Also, try not to lose your spider again!" Doe says as he walks off.


"GRAM WE TALKED ABOUT RUNNING AWAY!  YOU LITTLE....UGH-  I'M NOT GIVING YOU ANYMORE CRICKETS FOR A WEEK.  YOU ONLY GET THE NASTY BERRIES!" you scold Gram, using your finger to show emphasis to your words.  Which only cause him to bite you.  "CHIPY GRAM WE'RE GOING HOME OK-  I'M NOT LETTING YOU TWO OUT FOR A DAY!" you tell the two still furious with what they did yesterday and today.

Then you remembered.  You needed to pay rent.  And what was your source of income???  Hmm-  Ima give you a few good seconds to guess.

Working for the Mayor?  Nooo, you don't have such traits!  Running the house of worship to the gods?  No, you weren't too religous, even though you did believe that Lord Werui was powerful in some way and did exist.  Huh..what were you then?

"Hello, dear." a voice calls out to you as you whip your head around.

It was him.

Your Lovesick Mind for Doe (John Doe x "Regular Guy" Reader)Where stories live. Discover now