The Fitness Gram Pacer Test

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Note: Idk if anyone cares...but this is how "Regular Guy" Y/N sees Normal Doe:

You were in front of Doe.  He stared at you with a small subtle smile.  "Hi!  How may I help you today?" Doe asks you, seeming as if he had completely forgotten the time aka yesterday when you just ran out of the place.  "This is a dream huh...go on make me suffer.  I know Doe would never-" you feel hands on your throat that cut you off. 

 'It's just a's just a dream- *intense coughing*' you tell yourself as you cough like you would in those cartoons.  "I-I didn't know you l-liked p-pain too." you tell "dream" Doe who lifts you up by the neck.  Your thoughts between pain and pleasure.  

"SQUEAK-  SQUEAK-  SQUEAK-" Doe the Second tells you as you're violently shaken awake.  "WHAT IS IT??  OMG-" you see the chaos of a cockroach being chased by Gram and Chipy looking in a look of disappointment and shock.  "GRAM LEAVE THE COCKROACH ALONE-" Gram stopping in his tracks.  The cockroach on the other hand crawling into your hand for protection.  "Hey little guy." you say as you pet the cockroach, sitting up in bed.  You're given a peace of paper by Chipy.  

"H I S  N A M E  I S  J E R R Y"

It says.  "Oh well hi Jerry!" you tell Jerry as you feel Doe the Second latch onto your arm whimpering.  "What's the problem?" you ask Doe the Second as he looks at you with a puppy eye.  He was jealous you were bonding with Jerry huh?  "Jerry, as much as I would love to keep you, you'd have to constantly run from Gram.  I suggest going back to your home, ok?" you tell Jerry as he runs off and goes to a nearby window.  Leaving the apartment that way.  

Doe the Second took this as a prefect chance to start cuddling with you.  "D-doe the Second, I love you too but gee-" you say as Doe the Second tries their best to do what you thought was kissing.  "You're just being really possessive right now." you tell Doe the Second as you pet him and return some of the kisses.  It started purring again.  You weren't moving any time soon huh?

The little guy after a while finally stopped keeping you captive in one place.  "Doe the Second, we're going to have to check on Doe today!  Plus I need to get some money for this month's rent." you tell Doe the Second as you start getting up, startling the little guy.  You grabbed him off you and placed him on your shoulder.  "Ow-  I don't even have bones but if I did I think all of them would have popped just about now." you say out loud as you walk up to your closet and get something to wear.  "What to wear....what to wear.  Doe the Second, what should I wear?" you ask him as he hops off your shoulder and climbs onto an outfit's hanger.  "Huh...oh it's black and....burnt sienna?  I don't remember having that color.  It looks pretty though so sure!" you say as you grab the black jeans and the burnt sienna shirt and put them on.

Trying to put Doe the Second down so you could see your John Doe shrine without the creature messing it up but he wouldn't let go.  "Oh come on!  I need to do something and I don't want you to mess it up!  Plus I don't wanna risk the fact on how you may know John Doe." you say as you hand Doe the Second to Chipy...who starts acting as if Doe the Second was some type of food.

Going to the room dedicated to Doe you close the door behind you and look into the mirror.  Changing your form to match Doe exactly.  "Ah he's so handsome!!  I've been practicing his looks and I swear I'm getting better at copying him by the day!!!  It may be hard but I will get it down someday!!" you say as you absolutely lose it over yourself.  You looked so much like him and if any flaws with the way you looked it was the way your eyes' pupils grew bigger as you started kissing the mirror.  Oh and your hair color, which you sadly couldn't change.  

Hearing a creak at the door you find Doe the Second walking on you looking like Doe.  Causing the little creature to go all panicked.  You quickly change back into your regular form and grab Doe the Second.  "It's just me!!" you grab Doe the Second and head to the kitchen.  Sadly you had to end the kissing session with Doe but you could always do it later.  

"CHIPY!!!  GRAM!!!  COME HERE!!" you call out to the two as they come running to you and hopping on the kitchen counter.  Placing Doe the Second next to your two pets you open your fridge.  It was filled with raw meat and other things.  "Doe the Second do you eat certain things or-  oh." you ask Doe the Second as you see him eating a random blob of dirt or junk from another dimension.  "Well chow down then!" you tell him as you get yourself some bloody meat, nuts, and two dead flies.  Handing the nuts to Chipy and the flies to Gram.  Eating the raw bloody meat all by yourself.  "Squeak...Squeak!" Doe the Second says as he grabs a peace of the meat and starts eating it.  "You like raw meat too?" you ask Doe the Second as he nods his head.  'The more you know, I guess.' you think to yourself as you finish up your food.

"Ok time to stalk Doe!" you say as you look at the counter to realize Doe the Second...had left.  Without a warning either.  You sighed as you look back at Gram and Chipy but...GRAM WAS GONE TOO.

'FITNESS GRAM PACER TEST WHERE ARE YOU-' you think to yourself as you look at Chipy for help.

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