You Stayed Up Cause Of Him

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You were screaming in a pillow.  You had just done the dumbest thing ever.  Chipy was patting you on the back and Gram was dancing to some sort of record player he found in this apartment of yours.

Seconds Earlier.....

"Hi!  What do you need?  I saw you were kind of following me, did you need to tell me something?" Doe asked you with his sweet smile.  You felt your body melting as you lost your composure.  

Your brain went empty and the only thing on it was HIM.  

If it hadn't been for your dumb thoughts that made your legs carry your body running out of the gas station at the speed of light you would have said something.  You would have told him all of the things you wanted to do to him...even the ones he wouldn't have liked.   

Better luck next time you guessed?

In a panic you went to a near alley way and teleported back home.  Running to your room and finding a nearby pillow to scream into...leading to where you where at right now.  The little hairball from earlier came back into your mass and I mean you guess that was good.  You didn't feel like dealing with a teenager at the moment.

Then you heard a little squeak.  "Huh...who's there?" you asked as you lift up your face from the pillow and see something on the floor staring back at you.  "OMG WHAT IS THAT-" you scream as you jump back.  Gram turning off his music and looking at what you were screaming at.  It was something equivalent to those little hairballs that you made to watch over Gram and Chipy.  Except this one was different from yours.  

"False seems harmless." you tell your two pets as you pick up the little creature.  You grabbed it quick so it didn't have time to escape.  It moved and squirmed in your hands as you opened your hands to further inspect the little creature who was frightened.  "Are you a part of someone?  Or are you on your own?  You could also be a part of another I right?" you question the little creature who was still panicking.  "Hey hey!  Calm down!!  I'm not going to hurt you I swear!!" you tell the little creature as you pet it.  

"How about I keep you?  I'll name you.....Doe the Second!" you say as you place a small kiss on it's head.  Doe the Second  moved back in forth in delight when you kissed him.  


M E O W -

"GRAM WHAT DID WE TALK ABOUT BRINGING WORLD WAR CAT INTO MY APARTMENT-" you yell at Gram as you run to the living room, placing Doe the Second in your pocket.  There in front of you was Gram biting the neighbor's cat.  Chipy and some one eyed squirrel watching in awe.  You went to your bathroom and found a spray bottle and sprayed it on all four of them.  Causing the cat and squirrel to leave and Gram and Chipy to come with you.  

Doe the Second crawled up into your hair when you were spraying all of them, you felt him shiver in fear.  " you not like water too?" you asked Doe the Second as you put back the spray bottle and grab Doe the Second in your hands.  The little hairball formed words with their hair.  Responding with "yes" as you find yourself yet again petting Doe the Second causing his hair tendrils to wrap around your fingers.  "You like that, huh?" you ask Doe the Second as he rubs his body against your hands.

Gram and Chip on the other hand, were playing poker for a cockroach's body.  

Back to you and Doe the Second you were absolutely loving this little guy to death.  So, much that it started causing them to purr. imagined Doe reacting like that when you gave him attention.  It just made your imaginary heart pound faster.  You would try and sleep on it.  Try and think on how you could get him to love you.

You headed to your bed room and fell on top of the bed, Doe the Second nuzzling onto your chest area.  Sometimes it was easier to plan things while sleeping.  Even if it meant wasting a day without stalking him.  "So confused....I feel like I'm in love with you!  So I'll make you mine til the end of time!  Hmm-" you sang yourself to sleep thinking of him with your small song.  "Doe the Second....He is going to be  m i n e !!!!" you say to the hairball who was starting to fall asleep.

But even as you tried to go to bed....

You stayed up because of him.  L i k e   y o u   a l w a y s  d o .

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