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Y/n walked into the house that was slowly becoming more and more of a second home to him. He walked into the living room to see all four boys holding Kai down. 

"what are you doing?" He instantly questioned running and freeing the poor boy. He seemed to block out anything they were saying as he patted the boy's head on his chest and rocked him like a baby. 

"he was gonna try and kill someone" He heard Yeonjun say grumbling to the pillow sitting in his lap. Y/n grabbed Kai's cheeks, squishing lightly

"What happened?," He said, almost instantly he grabbed his phone and hid it from the boy. 

"you don't need to see," He said, but Y/n just grabbed it, it was on his post. He scrolled down, there weren't many but there were cruel things, people were calling him the 'fag' and telling him not to eat or just kill himself.  

"oh" was all he could let out, he was used to hate comments by now, but this was too much. "w- well it's okay I get these things all the time" He sat back and comforted Kai some more before snatching the remote and playing a random musical, once all the boys were distracted he grabbed Kai's hand and walked off into the hall. 

"Where is your room?" He questioned scanning the doors

"here," Kai said walking into a room that looked like all the rest, but when he walked in it was basically a room just for stuffies. Y/n looked at them with wide eyes and a smile, he had caught a glance at some he had never seen which shocked him. He watched as Kai got his room ready for cuddling and watching a movie. 

Before he knew it he was letting Huening Kai's long arms wrap around his shoulder. He couldn't help but want to talk to Kai. They were watching a movie, but that only made him want to talk more, the silence was almost unbearable. 

"hey Kai" He finally spoke up earning a small grunt from behind him "What's your favorite food? What color do you love? How long have you been collecting plushies? What are your favorite moments with fans? What are you thinking about right now?" He spud questions, almost overwhelming the boy. 

"o- oh well I really like seafood and pizza, green and black are pretty and um I don't really know when I started I think when I was pretty young. I have a lot of good moments with my fans...I love all of the memories and I'm thinking why is this boy asking so many questions? I won't question him 'cause he's cute" He said taking small pauses to remember questions. He could see the other get visibly flustered at the compliment, all he could do was hum in response. He pulled out his phone and opened his notes app

 Huening Kai things

Food: Seafood and pizza 
Color: Green and black
Loves: his memories of fans

He closed the app and continued talking, learning everything he could about the boy. That was until the members noticed their absence, which was kind of disappointing how long it took. 

"Y/n, Kai, what are you doing," Soobin said jumping on the two boys. 

"I bet they were having s-" 

"NO" Taehyun yelled before Beomgyu could even finish his sentence

"and if we were" Y/n instantly questioned Taehyun, ignoring the heat he felt rising to his cheeks. Taehyun looked surprised, his face turning crimson, all he could do was start to crawl on top of the now pile of boys sitting on the two runaways.  They all sat there and finished the movie before going back to the living room, but once again, y/n split from the group. 

While everyone was going to talk or do whatever, y/n started his heist, but not for money, for something better, food. He went into their kitchen and started snooping around, he knows what to eat and what not to so now it was just on seeing anything he likes. Luckily they had the perfect thing, Instant bibimbap. He grabbed it and prepared it before placing it in the microwave to cook, he sat on the counter as he waited and mentally prayed no one heard the microwave go off when it was done. He opened it and started eating, and as if the gods themselves hated him, Soobin walked in at that very moment. 

"Why did I know you were gonna be in here," Soobin said giggling as y/n was sat on the ground happily eating away. He grumbled and stood up, in all honesty, he hadn't eaten anything since his last promotion, where they ate a special sandwich, even then he didn't eat a lot, he was on camera after all. 

"Have you not been able to eat? I know it's stressful with all of the promotions and you seeing how fans react to your debut but you should take care of yourself" He added y/n's mind. 

With that he instantly remembered, the hate comments, maybe he shouldn't be eating this. Is he really getting fat? Soobin sat in front of him, his long legs placed around his waist, y/n doing the same. It made it hard to see where Soobins body started and Y/n's ended. He grabbed y/n's chopsticks and started mixing everything together. 

"you really never know how to mix this do you," He said glancing up at the boy with a sweet smile, before starting to feed y/n. 

"I'm not a baby I can eat by myself," He said, but it was muffled by the food. Soobin ignored him and feed him until everything was gone. They sat there in calming silence for a little before deciding it was probably best if they didn't stay in the kitchen, or in the position, they both knew what the boys would think if they caught them sitting like that. 

They walked out of the kitchen and moved to the couch, deciding to just cuddle there, so once again, y/n's head was in Soobin's chest. That cuddle session didn't last as long, because Soobin had to 'use the bathroom' when he felt someone's eyes glaring at him, he didn't dare look at whoever it was and walked to the bathroom. It was a pretty chill night for them, y/n couldn't stay late because he was preparing for his concerts and needed rest. But he made sure to say goodnight to everyone before skipping to his car and back to his house. 

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