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Kai was trying to decide if he should say something about it to you, he didn't even know what to say. The more he thought about it, the more the only thing he could think was, am I gay? The question swirled in his head. If he was gay, he had no reason to be mad at you, he didn't know so how should you know?  He grumbled and switched sides of his bed for the hundredth time that night, he couldn't even cuddle one of his members, they would be able to tell he was sad too fast. His eyes couldn't tear away from the pictures, your lips connected with a random guy. The way you were obviously happy with the boy made his heart hurt even more. 

He scrolled threw some more pictures, over the past two hours he had found out a lot about Dae-Hyun. He is a model, he hates peaches, he has three cats, he is really good with kids, he's super smart, he loves books, he went to some fancy college, he loves animals, he can look good in any outfit, he has abs, he has a healthy diet but also likes sweets, he's super mature, he almost always takes the high road. after a while of going threw his Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and even youtube, Kai knew a lot about his life. The fact that made him the maddest was that he was perfect, in every way, from visuals to personality, making it harder for him to hate him for taking Y/n away.  

He felt tears squeeze out of his eyes as he thought more about it, he needed to get some sleep, he knew he did, but he couldn't. He thought about all the things that Dae-Hyun has done that he would only ever wish to do with Y/n. He decided to call you, he checked the time where you are before calling, it was about midday, perfect. 

"hey," He said as it picked up, trying to hide the sniffle 

"Hey Kai, sorry I haven't been able to talk lately, how are you?" He heard the other male's voice, even that, such a small thing, comforted him. 

"um good, when are you coming back?" He got straight to the point, he just wanted to be with Y/n, hug him, and keep him close. 

"Oh miss me that much" The boy teased "well I'm meant to be coming back in two days, but they said the flights might be delayed a little so it could end up being three" He added after a moment of silence 

"C- can you come home today, I miss you" Kai couldn't hold down the sob this time, it came, quiet and muffled, but still hearable. 

"aww hun, I'll get home as soon as possible ok? And I'll hug you as tight as I can" For some reason, that didn't comfort him, he wanted to hear about how he was the only one for Y/n, he knew he wasn't but even if it was a lie, it was one he would like. 

"Ok" was all he could muster up saying, his voice was weak and shaky. He wanted the boy in his arms, but he also wanted to push him as far away as possible. 

"um I have to go, by the way, someone is going to be coming home with me when I get back," he said 

"Who?" He questioned, barely letter Y/n getting done with his sentence 

"His name is Dae-Hyun, he'll be coming down, and maybe one of my other friends if she has time" He felt his heart shatter even more "when I came down he really seems to miss me so he booked a flight to come back with me, it's only for two days though" 

"a-are you dating?" He couldn't help his mouth from forming the words 

"I mean kind of...We're only dating when we're together, like now that I'm here we're dating, but when I'm in Korea I'm single, it's a deal we made, so basically we can flirt or whatever with people as long as the other knows and if one of us gets together with the other we brake up, and do couple things like kissing and shit, it's kinda just so we dont's feel single I guess" He said trying to get the basics out "why do you ask?" He questioned 

"Oh, um no reason," Kai said, he couldn't help but be relieved, he felt happy knowing he still had a chance. He still couldn't figure out what he was, but he knew what he wanted now...Y/n. 

"Ok well bye, were going to the mall, last time I made him get me a lot of stuffies, I'll get some for you too," He said happily 

"ok, bye," He said as they hung up. He laid back and held his phone to his chest letting out a relieved sigh. Maybe he had a chance, maybe he would be the one in the photos. That night Huening Kai had dreams of holding Y/n, Kissing him, and telling everyone Y/n was his. 

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