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Y/n and Dae-Hyun were on the flight to Korea, Dae-Hyun was asking constant questions about who the guy that might be taking his place is, but he got no answers. In the end, Y/n ended up sleeping peacefully on his shoulder. 

When the plane landed, Y/n was obviously excited, he was basically bouncing off the walls.  He would look around every five seconds trying to spot someone, even though they had only just arrived back. They walked a little farther and there the crowd was, they had called ahead and asked them to block off a little place for them to walk. When Y/n made eye contact with who he was looking for he ran up and hugged him. 

"Y/n" He squealed spinning him around. 

"Hey," Y/n said patting Kai's head, he was in tears. Y/n made sure to give everyone a hug and since Soobin seemed like he was almost in tears as well he got an extra tight hug. 

"Hey, um Y/n, who are these people," Dae-Hyun said from behind him. 

"Oh, Txt this is Dae-Hyun, my kind of boyfriend, and Dae-Hyun this is Txt and Huening Kai. Kai gets his own introduction because he's the cutest" Y/n said with a bright smile. They did their greeting and started teasing Y/n about how he was gone for less than a week and already has a boyfriend. Which led Y/n to explain they're weird relationship, they didn't really understand at first -like many people- so he went into more detail. He basically told them they were only dating when they were around each other and broke up basically anytime someone liked or was seeing someone else, and never had hard feelings about it, they just got back if or when they broke up.

Heuning Kai wouldn't let go, he was attached to the boy...Literally.  Kai held Y/n by the hem of his shirt. It was comforting for both boys, to have each other so close and know they were together. When they got into the car, Kai sat next to Y/n -as expected- and Dae-Hyun sat on the other side, creating an awkward tension between the men. Kai hugged the man next to him, he refused to let go. Though Dae-Hyun had other plans, plans that may just tip the scale. Dae-Hyun grabbed Y/n's hand and kissed it lightly, earning a slight blush. Kai tugged at Y/ns sleeve, pulling him closer, causing Y/n to laugh. 

"You know what, when we get there were settling this" Y/n said after basically being fought over by the two boys, it wasn't as fun as he had imaged, it was at the beginning but they had a two-hour drive and there was no way Y/n could sit like that the whole time. The notion that they were going to solve it didn't stop the two from trying to pull them closer to the boy. 

"Soobin, can you stop the car for a second," He said. Soobin complied and he switched places with Beomgyu just to not sit with the annoying two. To make matters worse he ignored them most of the drive that was until Heuning started to cry again, then Y/n put his hand to the back and held his hand for a little, like a small child. Soobin talked y/n ear off, asking as many questions as possible. 

"I'm sleepy, ask me one more question and you will get punched" 

"ok grouchy," he said laughing a little. The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet, other than the occasional seat switch. They ended up moving seats three times over the course of the car ride, y/n sat next to Kai and Beomgyu in the far back, and Teahyun and Yeonjun sat in the middle while Soobin sat alone in the front -out of his own choice-. 

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