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It was awkward with the boys, I had put a movie on to ease the tension but that was futile. I groaned as I felt them glaring at each other as we watched the bee movie. I sat up and told them I was going to get some water. I couldn't stand how they were acting, Kai isn't even dating me and Dae-Hyun should know better. 

"Hey" I mumbled to Soobin as I plopped the couch next to him 

"Hey, where are your two groupies?" He said with a light chuckle. I didn't answer, I just started playing Plus and minus. I crawled over to him and hugged his slender waist and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. I could feel my headache caused by the boy's earlier ease as Soobin rubbed my back. I drifted off to sleep, grabbing tighter at his knitted sweater, my hands caressing his waist under the sweater. 

I awoke to loud screams, I could still feel Soobin's body under mine but I could also hear his heart beating faster. I looked up to see Dae-Hyun yelling at him, Kai was trying his best to get Soobin to explain so he didn't get his ass beaten 

"hey shut the fuck up" I yelled back as I sat up "what do you think your doing yelling at Soobin, he hasn't done anything wrong," I said glaring at him. 

"Did you see how he was hugging you? It was basically groping" Dae-Hyun yelled moving to look at Soobin. I looked back at Soobin, he had only been hugging me around my waist, my shirt had gone up quite a bit but I didn't really care. I groaned and grabbed his hand, I walked him out of the dorm room. 

"Dae-Hyun, it's fine, I'm completely comfortable with them," I said rubbing his shoulder lightly

"b- but what if...What if there like him, Y/n? Neither of us can afford to go through that again" He said rubbing my cheek. I hugged him tightly and reassured him everything was fine a couple of times before convincing him to go say sorry. 

Me and Dae-Hyun had decided it was time for us to head to my house. I had to basically hit Kai over the head for him to let me go. I called my manager to pick us up, and when he came he questioned who Dae-Hyun was for a second before believing he isn't holding me against my will. We sat in the car, and the awkwardness from earlier seemed to follow. 

By the time we had gotten back to the house, it was apparent how annoyed Dae-Hyun was. I didn't know what to do to help him, he never liked me trying to talk about his feelings, and he usually blew up at me. 

"Dae," I said in the softest tone I could muster up "you okay bubs?" I rubbed his back lightly as we walked into my room. He didn't respond, I took that as a sign to stop questioning him. We sat on my bed, and played a video of funny K-pop moments, which usually made him feel better, he even gave me a smirk when I started it. 

I felt a pit in my stomach when I saw Kai on the TV, he was saying something about how he liked the word 'bruh' my heart fluttered at his little chuckle in the end. I looked over at Dae-Hyun, he looked even more pissed. 

"Dae, Kai isn't a bad guy, none of TXT are, they're like my brothers," I said rubbing his shoulder as the clip passed

"is Kai like your brother?" He asked quietly, I didn't know what to say. "Is he like your fucking brother Y/n? You look at him like you wanna be with him every day, is that how you look at your brother?" His voice got louder the angrier he got

"Dae...You said you wouldn't get jealous if I like someone else" I mumbled, I wasn't even sure if I liked him, but now I can feel my own anger rising up. He wasn't meant to respond like this if I liked someone that wasn't him, we made that promise when we made the deal to be together only when we were around each other. 

"I'm not jealous Y/n..." He said placing a delicate hand on my chest "I'm worried, what if he hurts you? What if he's like K-...Him? I can't, I just can't" He said now holding back sobs

"don't you think I'm scared too? I'm sorry but this would hurt me a shit ton more than you, shouldn't I be the one to decide if I should leave? Kai is so fucking sweet to me, he never forces me to do anything, and he makes me feel happy when I'm with him, no matter how I feel, I know he will be there to enjoy the moment or comfort me through the sadness" I said, I could feel my face heat up with anger, the tips of my ears now a bright red. 

"Y/n..." that was all he could say. I left the room, I needed to calm down before I speak to him again. Almost like fate, I saw Kai's name pop up, he was calling. 

"Hey" I mumbled into the phone

"Hey, you wanna come over tomorrow? I know Dae-Hyun and I didn't really get off on the right foot but I'll try to be more civil this time, promise" Heuning rushed his words out, he was obviously excited. 

"um, I don't know if he'll come," I said sitting on the bathroom toilet, it was the only place I could go without Dae-Hyun being around. 

"oh you can just tell him I'm not going, you can say it's a date for you guys and he'll come and get us as a surprise" God, why is he such a cute little ball of sunshine? He's trying to look on the bright side even if it's impossible. 

"well that date for us is going to be a date for him if you want him to come" I sighed, I heard footsteps on the other side. 

"did you guys get into a fight? Was it cause of me? I'm sorry" He said, his mood was a lot dimmer now, I felt my heart shatter as I heard his soft sad voice. 

"no no Kai it's not your fault promise. He's just over protective of me, I'll talk to him later, don't worry your pretty little head about it, k?" 

"You think I'm pretty?" He teased from the other side of the screen, I let out a groan. We talked for a little while longer before hanging up

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