Chapter 1: Just a Mild Thing

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Warning: Passive-aggression, bullying


Normally, the day after Valentine’s Day is filled with the illusion of romantic bliss and half-priced chocolate.

However, on the Beatles’ end, it was almost anything but.


1965. And alongside it, hype for the new movie, Help!

The lads were starting work on the song “Another Girl” at roughly 7pm.

And to say it was going smoothly would be a grave misunderstanding.

Sure, there weren’t too many snags and mess-ups in the takes overall, but all of the mess-ups seemed to come from one singular member.

There was a section in the middle of the song that just didn’t seem to make sense to George. John clearly had a fun time writing it, not having a care in the world about how it would translate to a guitar player attempting to play it in the studio.

Sure enough, it was a minor thing that no one really seemed to pay attention to. Norman Smith would just call to roll another take, George would groan to himself and try again, rinse and repeat.

Paul took notice, however, but luckily for him, no one had noticed that he was rolling his eyes so goddamn hard that he saw the back of his skull at least once or twice in this session. It’s been a habit of his since the band’s inception, and it was just his quirky little way of calling his fellow bandmates stupid without actually saying it out loud.

Most of the time, his eye rolls were directed at George.

Now, Paul knew that George had his difficulties in life. And he also knew that guitars were the one thing that George felt competent with. So any mess up at a chord was definitely a personal blow.

And he didn’t need Paul’s sass to get the idea that he was failing at something that he should have known how to do.

But he was getting it anyway.

Today of all days, it seemed that Paul was more frustrated than normal, and he was starting to let it show.

“Why did you let me let this idiot into the band?” Paul whispered to John.

“No idea.” John whispered back. “No idea.”

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