Chapter 5: Conflicted

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Warning: Blood, injury, eye trauma


At 10:45pm, George frantically ran out of the studio and locked himself in his car, eager to get away from all of the stress and internal turmoil of… whatever the fuck just happened in there. 

He decided to sit in the car for a little bit, not only to fend off the adrenaline, but also to formulate a plan for the rest of the night.

As much as he wanted to spend the night in the studio to practice and work on the song a little more, he knew that it would be dangerous, especially if Geoff were to stay as well. So, with that inference, the only other option was to go back to his place, right? Nope, he thought. He figured that Pattie would see him and have a lot of questions, and since he was basically stuck in survival mode, he wouldn’t exactly have the energy to answer those questions in a coherent manner. So that was a no-go. 

He sat in the car for about 5 minutes, trying to think of another option. Theoretically, he could ask to stay with John or Ringo for the night, but that would be strange: they had wives, and maybe a kid or one on the way, and he didn’t want to intrude and ruin their nights or even mornings and make everything about him. The only reasonable option was to rent a hotel room for the night and then come back and act like nothing happened between him, Paul, and Geoff. 

As he was about to start up his car, he finally noticed the tapping on his window, which made him jump a little bit, startled and unsure.

To his surprise, it was just Ringo. But to his chagrin, he looked rather sad.

“What’s the matter, Rings?” George asked after rolling the window down.

“I should ask you that. You look… not the greatest. I know something happened between you, Paul and Geoff. How are you coping?”

“...why does it matter to you?”

“Well, you seemed on edge during your song. And you cut it short after 5 takes.”

“We just didn’t have time to work on it further than that.”


“Not really. It’s late, and everyone needs some decent sleep.”

“Are you… bleeding?”

“...nope.” George lied, wiping the stream of blood that dripped from his right nostril.

“Your nose looks broken. And what the fuck happened to your eye?”

“It’s not. And nothing. My eye is fine.”

Ringo sighed a bit.

“Tell ya what, Haz. stay with me tonight, ok? I’ll see how well I can patch you up, you can have breakfast with Mo and I. No pressure to leave early in the morning, she’ll understand. Trust me.”

“...will she?”

“Of course.”

George nodded in resigned agreement, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by a blinding pain in his left eye. He moved his hand to cover his eye to conceal the pain, but as he moved his hand, more blood gushed from both of his nostrils, causing quite a conundrum.

Ringo just opened George’s door and moved him over to the passenger seat, shoving a few spare napkins up his nostrils.

“I’ll take over from here. My place, I’m driving. You can return the favor if you feel better in the morning. But for now, just let me handle this.”

Within seconds, Ringo slammed the gas pedal and drove off. 

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