Chapter 2: Mounting Frustrations

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Warning: Bullying, uncensored use of the r-slur, workplace hostility, past violence


Roughly 15 minutes later, and George’s struggles with the chords continued. As he struggled, he noticed that there was no one giving him actual guidance or help with the chords, but rather, they were just staring at him judgmentally and expecting him to catch on to where they were trying to go with the song.

In all honesty, he felt that at 21, he shouldn’t have needed help with the part, especially if someone else had written it and they had had time to practice before recording. But at the same time, if it was obvious that he needed help, why were they leaving him out at sea with a punctured life preserver?

And through it all, he could feel Paul’s annoyance as if it were the only presence in the room. He rolled his eyes yet again as he set his bass down to get a drink of water. On the way out, he was mumbling something to John, and the two laughed to themselves as he left.

John left after a silent minute, turning towards George as he made his way to the door.

“Hey, Hazza?”

George looked up to face him.

“I’m running out of ways to call you an idiot, but here I go. Stop being retarded and get this part down. If you don’t, Paul’s kicking you out. We really don’t have the capacity for you to be fucking up. Paul’s words, not mine.”

He left and shut the door angrily.

George just angrily sighed to himself and picked the guitar back up. 

“Hey, Ringo? You go get some water, ok? I need to grind this bit and get it right.”

Ringo stood up from the drum set and moved to George.

“You should get some too. I mean, you haven’t taken a break yet, and you’re only gonna stress yourself out again.”

“But did you not hear John? I HAVE to get this right if I still want a job!”

Ringo stroked George’s shoulder.

“Paul won’t have the guts to kick you out. And it’s not even his decision anyways, it’s Eppy’s. Now, I need to tell him that John called you that name again.”

“Do you?”

“I’m not letting you take any more hits like this.”

“And what happens if John finds out that you told Eppy? Ringo, just let it go. Please. Don’t drag this out and make it a whole thing.”

Ringo sighed angrily.

“I won’t. But trust me. The next time I hear someone being shit to you, it’s between me and them. And if they say that you rely on me too much, let them. You took a black eye and almost broke your nose for me. Let me be there for you.”

George leaned into Ringo’s legs.

“I appreciate the sentiment, but please let me handle this on my own. I’m not a child. I don’t need to be protected.”

“I get that. I totally do. But please let me handle it.”

“I will.” George reassured him as he left to get water.

He picked the guitar back up and started plucking away, hoping to find the right chord.

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